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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
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as he stood up and touched the top of her head. "I'll give you 'til the morrow. But Bella, 'tis really the only sensible way to go."
    Sensible? She felt as if she'd never been sensible in her life. As he walked off she watched his broad back. Of course she was chasing dreams. Tiger would no doubt disown his child the same way he'd denied her his love. The man had a lump of clay for a heart. He'd barely spoken to her since he'd dragged her back. Often she caught his eyes on her with lust clearly written in their depths. Well, perhaps desire would be enough; perhaps he could learn to love her in time.
    Standing, she brushed at her skirt and picked up the bucket. Slowly making her way across the orchard she shielded her eyes from the brightness of the sun. Dougal and Gillie were striding off to tend the flock on the river flats. Taking a deep breath she headed for the kitchen where she guessed Tiger would also be preparing to leave. She'd heard him telling Gillie he was heading to the wharf where a new shipment of grain, tea, coffee, tools and other necessities was being unloaded.
    "How long have you known?" she heard him ask Thelma as she stood by the open door.
    Thelma turned to smile at Isabella as she answered, "A week or so."
    They both watched her as Isabella crossed the room and began to pick up the bundle of linen due for a scrubbing. They appeared to be waiting for her to say something. "What?" she was forced to ask when the silence grew uncomfortable.
    "I hear you're with child," Tiger said, and Isabella winced at the anger that stiffened his voice.
    "You knew." She bit her lip as she faced Thelma.
    "I had a good idea. I was hoping you'd come to me when you were sure. You are sure, aren't you?" Thelma wiped her hands on her apron and came to put a hand on Isabella's arm.
    "Yes, I 'm sure. I've missed three monthly cycles. So, I'd say that's about as sure as I can get." She heard the note of bitterness in her voice. Tiger had gone very still.
    "Three months, you say?"
    There was a slight turn to his lip Isabella couldn't quite make out. Surely he wasn't angry with her? "Aye. 'Tis all your doing. Is it perhaps you disclaim your own child." With head held high she faced him, her shaking fingers hidden beneath the linen.
    "My own . . .?" Uncertainty flickered across his gold flecked eyes, quickly replaced by scorn. "Come now, do you take me for a fool? It could be the spawn of any number of men. How many bedded you in the time you were at Selena's? Ten? Or was Fergus the first? Will you let him know he's to be a father?"
    "Tiger. " Thelma looked at him as if she'd never seen him before.
    " 'Tis yours," Isabella stated simply. She felt the color leave her cheeks. "I lay with no other man, not Fergus, nor anyone. The night you brought me back was to be my coming out, so to speak. Selena put a lot of time and effort into turning me into a . . . well, we all know what she turned me into. But on my word, I have never been with any man but you. And that English pig who violated me."
    "Your word? " Biting out a rough curse he turned away, thumping his fist into his palm. "You expect me to believe you? I'd have to be out of my mind."
    "Tiger, if Bella says it 's so, then it's so. Can't you see the truth?" Thelma turned appealing eyes on him.
    "It 's a trick, Thelma." His eyes narrowed as he looked from one to the other of them. "The wench thinks to trap me into marrying her by claiming I sired her brat. Well, let me tell you, the sun will drop from the sky before I'd do that."
    "I have no wish to trap you." Isabella drew herself up straight and walked over to stand a pace from him. She saw his Adam 's apple move as he swallowed hard. In that moment she hated him. "Dougal is willing to marry me. He knows who fathered this child, yet he's willing to take on another man's bastard. And seeing as you're my master I need your permission to wed. So, do I have it?"
    Indecision flashed briefly across his eyes, but was soon replaced by steely intent. "So Dougal 's willing to play the fool, is he? Well then, let him have you, and to hell with you both." He turned away abruptly, plunging his hands into his pockets.
    "Tiger, don 't let them do this," Thelma pleaded, her voice breaking. "You know it's your child. They'll end up as miserable as can be, for she's made no bones of her feelings for him."
    He stared at Isabella as if he could see right through her. The coldness in his eyes made her want to flinch, but she stood firm and

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