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Mystic Mountains

Mystic Mountains

Titel: Mystic Mountains Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Tricia McGill
Vom Netzwerk:
for her. But it was as if she was untouchable. She'd shut herself off behind a wall of her own making. Heaven knew that Dougal was going half insane with wanting her; his own feelings Tiger managed to keep under strict control. If she so much as got a scent of exactly how he felt she would twist him around her little finger. No woman was going to make a fool of him.
    "Is the boy tiring?" he asked Isabella, suddenly feeling a need to force her to converse with him.
    "Ask him yourself. He's a tongue in his head," she said.
    Tiger shook his head and returned her glare. Shrugging his shoulde rs, he rode off. Damn the woman.
    * * *
    They made camp at nightfall, at Rooty Hill. "The boss was right, eh, missus?" Johnny said with a grin.
    "Aye, he usually is," Isabella replied wryly.
    The boys ran about, whooping and shouting as the tents were erected. "'Tis not every boy who manages to start out on a great adventure on his birthday," Thelma said to Tim when they paused for breath.
    "Aye, and if he doesn 't quieten down, he'll be a boy who's sick on his birthday," Isabella retorted, grabbing hold of Tim as he ran past her. "Come and eat these special cakes Thelma made for you."
    "You can 't blame them for wanting to stretch their legs, Bella. 'Tis a long while for them to sit on the wagon." Thelma stretched and put a hand to her spine with a groan as she sat on the ground near the fire.
    " Mm, lovely cakes." Tim sat cross-legged on the grass and took one. Dougie sat beside him, copying Tim's movements, and the two of them put their heads together, giggling.
    "Just look at that harlot. Jesus, I wish Tiger hadn 't brought her." Thelma turned her nose up as they watched Lily flaunting her large breasts to the men sitting in a circle around their separate fire, eating their ration of food.
    "She 's helped with the cooking and pitching of tents, Thelma, so I s'pose she's done her share of the work. At least she'll keep the men happy, and they might keep their hands off Agnes and their eyes off me. I didn't fancy the way a couple of them were eyeing me earlier."
    "Tiger 'll keep them out of your way, Bella." Thelma yawned.
    "You think so. He probably thinks me no better than Lily." Isabella sighed, stroking Dougie 's dark head as the child munched on his wheat cake.
    "No, Bella. He gave up thinking of you as that kind long ago."
    Isabella gave her a skeptical look. "He has a funny way of showing it then. He still treats me no better than a convict slave."
    "Ah, Bella, that 's not true and you know it." Thelma made a small sound of disgust. "You're both as stubborn as each other. The pair of you have too much pride to admit you were wrong."
    "Maybe so. Tim, put the pup down while you 're eating," Isabella scolded.
    Tim laughed, but did as he was told. The pup waddled over to join its mother and littermates.
    "I hope Gillie and Dougal are managing all right. Those men they have with them are all supposed to have some experience as shepherds or herdsmen, but they looked a sorry bunch." Thelma pulled a face as she began to cough raggedly.
    "Where 's your medicine?" Isabella got up to go to the bag holding Thelma's personal possessions. Doctor Neale had given her a good supply of the herbal concoction that eased the racking cough. Isabella hoped sincerely it would last until Tiger made a return trip to town, once they were camped on the new land.
    "Thanks, dear." Thelma smiled, taking the bottle. She took a sip of the dark liquid, then licked her lips. " 'Tis the damp air that brings on the cough. Once we get onto the plains I'll be fine."
    Isabella said nothing. She doubted Thelma would improve anywhere. If Doctor Neale had been able to stop the coughing before now he would have done so, she was sure.
    "Come on, boys, let's get you into bed." Isabella picked Dougie up and for once he put up no argument.
    Tiger walked over to their fire and ruffled Tim 's hair as the boy gravely offered a hand to be shaken. "Goodnight, lads," he said. "No tricks now, go straight to sleep this night. We have a long trek ahead of us tomorrow."
    "All right, Tiger," Tim agreed, yawning. "You will let me know if you see an opossum in the trees though, won 't you?"
    "Aye, that 's a promise. If one comes down to see what we're a doing in his part of the woods I'll be sure to give you a call." Tiger grinned.
    Isabella turned her back on Tiger as he sat on a log near their fire, stretching his long legs before him. He began to talk softly to Thelma as

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