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Necessary as Blood

Necessary as Blood

Titel: Necessary as Blood Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Deborah Crombie
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for the patio, he came over to her and looked at her head more closely. ‘You should have that looked at.‘
    ‘I‘m fine, really.‘ She summoned a smile. ‘Go on. Everyone‘s starving, and I‘m sure your dad will be home soon.‘
    She was thinking that the ‘bumping her head in the loft‘ explanation would have to do for Duncan as well until the children went to bed, when her mobile rang.
    ‘I‘m going to be late,‘ Kincaid said without preamble when she answered. ‘It turns out that Kevin‘s boss owns a white transit van. I‘m trying to get Narcotics to let me pull it over on a traffic stop, or at least to tell me if they think this guy, Roby, is involved in the drugs thing. If they‘ve been watching him, too, they may know where the van was last Saturday.‘
    Gemma spilled a bagged salad into a bowl and fetched dressing from the fridge. ‘I don‘t fancy your chances.‘
    ‘No. But nothing else is panning out. Lucas Ritchie has as much of an alibi for Saturday as we‘re likely to get, by the way. He was at his niece‘s birthday party in St John‘s Wood. His mum showed Cullen photos. And he didn‘t drive there, so it‘s not likely he ducked out of the party long enough to have met Naz and dumped him in the park. Cullen got the names of some other guests to follow up, but...‘
    ‘Not likely,‘ Gemma agreed. ‘What about the missing girl from the club? What was her name? Kylie?‘
    ‘Nothing definite, but her parents think she‘s living in a squat in Plumstead. Or was it Wanstead? Undoubtedly the dodgy end. Cullen‘s checking on it.‘ He sounded tired.
    ‘Drugs involved?‘ Gemma thought about Rashid‘s speculation that Terry Gilles was a user, and the implications of that for the Narcotics investigation. And for Charlotte.
    But she couldn‘t pass those suspicions on to Janice Silverman without an explanation of how she had come by them. And she couldn‘t talk to Kincaid about it now, not with Toby and Kit coming in and out of the kitchen.
    ‘Maybe,‘ Kincaid said, then he added, ‘You okay? You sound a bit wobbly.‘
    ‘Oh, fine. I‘m fine. It‘s just been — a long day. I‘ll fill you in when I see you.‘

    But when Kincaid got home a few hours later, having finally had a very unrewarding conversation with his opposite number in Narcotics, he found Gemma in bed, fast asleep.
    And when he woke the next morning, a bit late, he came downstairs to find Kit and Toby finishing breakfast, and Gemma already gone.
    ‘She got a call,‘ Kit told him. ‘Another burglary in the middle of the night. Golborne Road, this time.‘ He sounded pleased with himself for passing on the information. ‘Here. I‘ve made you toast.‘
    ‘Thanks, sport.‘ Kincaid glanced at the kitchen clock. ‘But I‘d better eat it on the run if I‘m going to get Toby to childcare on time.‘
    He‘d sent Toby to get his backpack, and had washed a mouthful of toast and jam down with coffee, when his mobile rang. When he saw that it was Cullen, he took another bite of toast as he answered. ‘I‘m on my way,‘ he said. ‘Just as soon as—‘
    Cullen broke in, his voice a register higher than normal. ‘Guv, you‘re not going to believe what made the bloody tabloids this morning.‘
    ‘Boss.‘ Melody ducked her head in the door of Gemma‘s office. ‘The Super‘s here to see you.‘
    Gemma looked up from the report she was scrolling through on her computer. It hadn‘t been burglary this time, but a robbery. The owner of a small grocer‘s had been assaulted as he unlocked the shop at daybreak. ‘Mark?‘ she said, assuming Melody meant Superintendent Lamb, her guv‘nor, and wondering why Melody felt the need to announce him.
    ‘No.‘ Melody‘s voice dropped to an emphatic whisper. ‘Your Super. Duncan.‘
    She disappeared from view and Kincaid walked into Gemma‘s office, his face set in a thunderous scowl. He closed the door behind him as he tossed a newspaper on Gemma‘s desk. ‘Have you seen this?‘ Gemma turned the paper round. It was that morning‘s Chronicle and the headline read: Slave Trade Linked to Rumoured Whitechapel Sex Club.
    ‘What?‘ She pulled the paper closer and skimmed the lead. In the Chronicle‘s usual lurid style, the article said it had learned that police were conducting an ongoing investigation into an exclusive private club in Whitechapel, which a well-known Bangladeshi businessman, soon to stand trial for modern-day slavery, was known to frequent. It

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