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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
eight years. We won’t put you in the field until you’re ready.”
    “It’s not just the, um, fighting I’m worrying about,” I said, looking between him and Jilia. “It’s my power. It’s getting harder and harder to control.”
    Tyryn turned to Jilia. “You’ve studied glitchers. What do you think?”
    “Telekinesis is a unique ability with its own set of obstacles,” Jilia said. “It’s not like other glitchers can tear a room apart if their power goes haywire.”
    I looked down. “But do you have any idea why it’s gotten so out of control lately? Does that happen to other people?”
    “Most glitchers experience an expansion of their powers as they grow into them. And glitcher powers are so closely connected to the emotion centers of the brain. You’ve been through a lot lately and you’re still so new to feeling emotion of any kind, it makes sense that overwhelming emotion would make your power erupt in unpredictable ways.” She leaned in, her eyes compassionate. “Most people have seventeen years to learn how to deal with emotions. You’ve only had eight months. But Zoe, I do think that with some discipline and practice, you’ll learn to control it again.”
    “Jilia’s helped me before,” Adrien said, eyeing the older woman. “I wasn’t having exactly the same kind of problems, obviously, but she worked with me to help focus my visions through meditation. She can help you, Zoe.” He turned to Jilia. “You’re coming with us to the Foundation, right?”
    “Oh,” Jilia hesitated, pushing her food around on the plate with her fork. It was the first time her excitement had flagged since she’d looked at my scans. “I’m not sure. I’m more helpful here in the field.”
    “From what General Taylor was saying,” Tyryn cut in, “the Foundation’s almost completely finished, and it’s already her new base of operations. We’ll need a good doctor.”
    “I’m sure Professor Henry would look forward to seeing you again,” Adrien added.
    Jilia’s face went red and she stuffed a forkful of food in her mouth. She stared at her plate and didn’t respond.
    Adrien’s voice softened, as if he knew he’d hit a nerve. “And it would give you more chance to study Zoe and the other glitchers there.”
    “Either way,” Tyryn said. “The sooner we head out, the better. Chancellor Bright’s cracking Rez operatives faster than we can get them in place.” He looked at Jilia. “Not many people know about this location, but it only takes one. We’ll be heading out in a couple of days. I’ve already arranged transport to the Foundation, and there’s plenty of space if you want to come with us. If you stay, though, you should think about going mobile again and moving this compound deeper into the forest.”
    Jilia pressed a napkin to her lips. “I was hoping there’d be more time.”
    “Time’s short these days,” Tyryn said, his mouth grim. “Xona and I know it better than anyone.”
    A girl came out from behind the flap to the other sleeping quarters, yawning and stretching her long arms. Her skin was ebony and her hair cropped short. She looked about my age, maybe a year or so younger. “Did I hear my name?” she asked through another yawn.
    “Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence,” Tyryn said. “Xona, this is Zoe, and you know Adrien.”
    Xona gave a quick nod but didn’t look our way. She hopped up on the counter with the coffee pot and poured herself a cup. It had to be cold by now, but she didn’t seem to mind. She drank it down in one long gulp. Her legs dangled and I could see a small laser weapon strapped at her ankle, even though she was still in her sleep clothes.
    Jilia frowned. “You know I’d prefer it if you weren’t armed at the kitchen table.”
    Xona’s eyes narrowed as she tossed the metal coffee cup into the sink. “You never know when a detachment of Regs is gonna bust in. I’d rather be prepared than have table manners.”
    “Xona,” Tyryn said, a warning in his voice. “Jilia’s place, her rules.”
    “Ugh, fine.” Xona rolled her eyes and hopped down from the counter. She whipped the weapon out of its holster and clicked a small release switch that detached the grip from the barrel. She dropped both pieces on the table with a loud clunk. “There, not armed.”
    “Xona—” Tyryn started, but Jilia put a hand on his arm.
    “It’s fine,” she said.
    Xona grabbed a piece of bread from the counter and stuck half of

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