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Override (Glitch)

Override (Glitch)

Titel: Override (Glitch) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Heather Anastasiu
Vom Netzwerk:
it in her mouth, then sat down at the table and started cleaning the weapon with the edge of her tunic.
    “At least get a plate,” Tyryn said, his teeth gritted. “Mom didn’t raise you to be an animal.”
    Xona glared at him. She ripped the rest of the bread into pieces and dropped it on the table beside the gun. “Don’t talk about Mom.”
    Jilia and Adrien exchanged a silent look. Then I remembered Tyryn and Xona’s parents had died recently. I cleared my throat, hoping to dispel the tension in the room by changing the subject.
    “Have you met the rest of the glitcher task force?” I asked Tyryn. “What are they like?”
    “I haven’t met many yet,” he said, finally looking away from his sister. “I just know what General Taylor’s told me. Glitchers make for unique Rez fighters. Taylor ultimately wants a task force that can take on the Chancellor herself. From what I heard, everyone’s really looking forward to meeting you and having you on the team. You’re the only one who can even get close to the Chancellor without falling under her compulsion powers.”
    “Wait.” I pulled my hand away from Adrien’s and held on to the edge of the table to steady myself. “You expect me to take on the Chancellor?”
    “You’ve faced her before,” Tyryn said.
    “Things are different now,” I sputtered. “She was only the Chancellor of the Academy in one small city then. Now she’s Underchancellor of Defense for all of Sector 6. She’ll be surrounded by the highest security.”
    Xona let out a low whistle. “Shunt, that’s intense.”
    Tyryn waved a hand and looked at me. “Adrien’s had visions of you as a leader, and Jilia’s scans confirm how powerful you are.”
    “You won’t have to do anything right away,” Adrien said taking my hand again. “You won’t be asked until you’re ready.”
    My chest tightened so much I could barely get a breath. Adrien knew about their plan and this task force? Of course he did. He’d probably had a vision of it. I didn’t trust myself to respond, so I just shook my head.
    After breakfast was cleared away and the others had gone into the other room, I grabbed Adrien. “Tell me about your visions of me. Will I really be able to do this?”
    “Zo, don’t worry about it. It’ll all be fine.” He pulled me into a hug.
    I clung to him for a moment, but then pulled away. “Are you saying it will be fine because you’ve seen that it all turns out okay?”
    His face clouded over. “I haven’t had any visions that make it clear who wins the war, if that’s what you’re asking.” He didn’t say anything else.
    “But you’ve seen visions of me? Me being this leader they all expect me to be?”
    He was quiet a moment.
    “Tell me, please.”
    “Zoe, maybe it’s not good to know too much about your own future. I’ve probably told you too much already. No one would have expected you to be some great leader in the first place if I’d kept my mouth shut about what I saw.”
    I scoffed. “If you hadn’t told people your visions, they never would have let you rescue me from the Community.”
    He nodded, but still didn’t look certain.
    “If you tell me what you see, then maybe I can start to believe it too. Maybe it will give me the strength I need.”
    He looked at me reluctantly for another moment, but then finally said, “Okay.” He sat back down at the table and I joined him. “There’s this one vision I had. Actually it was one of the first I had of you.” He smiled. “The farther off in the future, the less clear it is what’s going on, and this one was just flashes. In the vision, the sun is shining overhead, but you aren’t wearing a biosuit or breathing mask or anything.”
    “How is that possible?” I looked down at my gloves, then at the edges of the mask only inches away from my face.
    “I don’t know,” he said. “In the first glimpse I got, all I could see was that you were running toward a house near the ocean. It looked almost like you’re flying, you’re running so fast. And then I got a closer image of your face, and you’ve got this look,” he smiled again. “Like you were determined but not afraid, even though I got the feeling that you were in danger. You weren’t scared.”
    The tightness in my chest didn’t ease up at all. I thought hearing about the future would make me feel better, but it sounded like he was describing a stranger. How was I supposed to become this person?
    “Were you there?” I

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