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Titel: Rescue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeremiah Healy
Vom Netzwerk:
Lonnie remains sober and seems to be prospering.“
    As far as he knew. “I take it that he’s not a part of your congregation?“
    “No. No, I do volunteer counseling for some of the civic and charitable organizations in the area. I suppose I shouldn’t say ‘volunteer,’ since it’s part of my job to do that sort of thing for the Church, but most of them—the organizations, I mean—are unfunded in this era of underbudgeted social services, and I met Lonnie through one of those efforts he turned to originally.“
    “Severn’s not from around here, then?“
    “No. His family’s from the South somewhere, I think.“
    “Do you know where?“
    “No, I’m sorry. He probably told me, but I’ve forgotten.“ Tucker’s glasses slipped again. “He’s lived in New England for quite some time, though. Boston area, then I think Manchester before coming up to us.“
    I thought about Mrs. Squires’s license plates disappearing from the mall near there. “Reverend, would you know which church Severn does attend?“
    “No. But not because... I don’t think Lonnie ‘attends church,’ as I believe you mean the expression. I think he’s turned more... fundamental?“
    “Evangelists, you mean?“
    “Not necessarily.“ Tucker looked troubled. “Forgive me, but it’s very difficult discussing this without using technical religious terms.“
    “Whatever makes you feel more comfortable.“
    He pushed at his glasses again. “Perhaps this will help. Many of the churches in this area are Protestant rather than Roman Catholic. But many of our congregations, like this one, are relatively poor. Accordingly, the“—he motioned with his hand—“relatively ‘no-frills’ look here is only partly religious and mostly financial.“
    He looked at me hopefully. I said, “With you so far.“
    A judicious nod. “Well, then, I think you can understand that there are some... ministers who might preach more religiously and less financially about the values of simplicity.“
    I thought about the starkness of the Haldons’ home and attitudes. “Go on.“
    “As far as I know, Lonnie found his way through the forest thanks to such a minister far from us.“
    “Do you have a name?“
    “I’m sorry, no. But why don’t you just ask Lonnie?“
    “If I see him, I plan to. Do you know anything about this other minister?“
    “No. Lonnie, when I saw him in town once, said that he’d been delivered by a ‘preacher of prophesy,’ thanks to someone in his family. Lonnie was very grateful to God for what He’d done for him.“
    “What the preacher had done?“
    “Ah, no. What God had done. For Lonnie.“
    “Any idea where this other minister is from?“
    Tucker’s glasses started down his nose again. “Only the vaguest.“
    “Which is?“
    “Somewhere south again, though I must tell you...“ The troubled look returned. “Even that feels... off?“
    “Yes. As though... as though I didn’t really think it was the South.“
    “You felt Severn was lying to you?“
    “Oh, no. No, not at all. More that... I just remember feeling that the church wasn’t exactly in the South.“
    Not exactly making much headway here. “Reverend, do you know what Lonnie does for a living?“
    “For a living?“
    “Yes. How he’s managed to afford the trailer and that new pickup even though he got laid off with everybody else from the computer factory?“
    “No. No, I don’t. Most people up here get by.“
    “Get by?“
    The glasses slid once more. “I’m afraid that’s rather a technical term, too. ‘Getting by’ means doing whatever seasonal work is available to hold off the creditors and put food on the table. Berry-picking, trapping, splitting and delivering firewood, and so forth.“
    “And Lonnie does those things.“
    “Most of the people do because most of them have to.“
    A wild shot. “Like Thomas and Polly Haldon?“
    “Oh! Oh, my. Are they involved in this case of yours, too?“
    “I think so. What can you tell me about them?“
    “Not much, I’m afraid. I’ve virtually not seen them since they left.“
    “Left the congregation here.“
    I stopped. “The Haldons were part of this church?“
    “For quite some time. At least, until the closing.“
    “The closing of the factory.“
    “Yes. Yes, I’m afraid that tested many people’s faith, which is understandable. But the Haldons turned away from us, and now they seem... well, almost to avoid me.“
    This clearly

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