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Titel: Rescue Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jeremiah Healy
Vom Netzwerk:
notice the one thing that’s different, and that’s the faces. I saw maybe five people from around here who I didn’t know were part of the Church, and it really surprised me.“
    “Anything else?“
    “I don’t think so.“
    “How about a man about thirty, with reddish hair and kind of jug-handle ears?“
    More concentration. “Could have been, I guess, but I don’t remember specifically. I was there only the once, and then for just maybe an hour or so, but I don’t remember him. Who is he?“
    “I think he’s the one who took Eddie up in Boston.’ stopped. “You know, you’re the first person I’ve talked who’s been willing to discuss the Church at all.“
    “Kind of close-mouthed about things, you mean?“
    “Well, that’s the Keys, John. Like I said before, lots of people are here—and real glad to be here—because things didn’t work out so well elsewhere. You go to a place like Alabama lacks up on Card Sound Road some Sunday afternoon, you can see them all partying together. Rednecks and swamp rats, bikers and square dancers. They all dress different and talk different and think different, but they tolerate each other, people kind of live their own lives here, minding their own business about personal stuff and expecting you to mind yours.“
    Thinking of Kyle Pettengill and Christine Kiernan describing New Hampshire, I said, mostly to myself, “Libertarian.“
    Adair nodded. “Kind of, but even more libertine.“
    I just stared at her.
    She said, “Now what’s the matter?“
    Dawna put my pants aside, then her hands on her hips. “You were thinking, ‘How does this airhead barmaid know those words, much less that there’s a difference between them?’ Weren’t you?“
    “Not after looking at your books.“
    She softened. “I love my books. And you see the awards over there? Those are for spelling bees. I was the champion, almost. I got as far as I did not because my mother or father was that smart and taught me, but because every time I missed a word, I went and looked it up. Like with ‘libertine,’ and I found ‘libertarian’ first in the dictionary. People who love to read love words, John, it’s just that a lot of us don’t go around flaunting it.“
    “Or maybe get much chance to even show it.“
    Her turn to stare at me. “You understand what I mean, don’t you?“
    “That you end up for a while with guys like Jay because other kind are hard to find.“
    Adair came off the bed slowly, moving toward me in a way that was only technically a walk. Putting her hands on my shoulders, she began to knead them, the fingers strong and penetrating.
    In the purry voice, she said, “After what Jay tried in the parking lot there, I’m a little scared. Would you stay here with me tonight?“
    “Only with some ground rules.“
    Dawna left me, bounding over to the night table. Opening the sewing kit drawer, this time she came out with what looked like a three-inch-square version of a 1940s gold cigarette case.
    Adair said, “Safety first, right?“
    “What’s that?“
    “This?“ She looked at it, then to me. “It’s a Condom Caddy, of course.“
    “A what?“
    “A Condom Caddy.“ Dawna flicked a latch on it. “You’ve never seen one before?“
    “I don’t get around much.“
    “Oh, John. These are the thing. A girlfriend of mine gave it to me for my thirt—as a present. See, it holds three. These are the Stealth ones.“
    “Yeah, you know, like the bomber. ‘Nobody Can Even See You Coming’?“
    “If you don’t like these, I’ve got some other kinds, too, or we could use whatever you’ve—“
    “Dawna, it’s not that.“
    “What’s not?“
    “What I meant about ground rules. I’m committed to somebody else, back in Boston .“
    “Committed. You mean, like, not married but kind of?“
    “Fair description.“
    Adair dropped her hands to her side. “You’re serious about that, too, huh?“
    “Yes. But if I weren’t, you wouldn’t be able to keep away with a whip, a chair, and a gun.“
    “Well, thank you a lot.“
    “I mean it. You’re terrific.“
    Brusquely, but not unfriendly. “Yeah, well. I’d still like you to stay, if that’s okay with the ‘ground rules.’“
    “The downstairs’d probably be cooler for you. I can turn on the ceiling fan, and the sectional stuff’s pretty comfortable.“
    “It’ll be fine.“
    Adair went to the bed. “Here, let me

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