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Titel: Savages
Autoren: Don Winslow
Vom Netzwerk:
he’s just sunk down in the hot tub, but for a second there it sure looked like the bachelorette was bobbing for apples.
    “Stebo, you got any weed?”
    “I’m not supposed to …”
    “Come on.”
    Show some

    “We did this,” Ben says, looking at the images.
    “Lado did it,” Chon answers.
it,” Ben says.
    Chon goes off. Rare rush of valuable words. “If you’re going to wallow in this self-indulgent guilt trip you should never have started this in the first place. What do you think happens in a war? You think only soldiers get killed?
    “You knew what you were doing when you left that van in the hood. You knew you were setting a trap. Don’t be so hypocritical as to now feel sorry for the bait.
    “And you know it’s not going to stop here. Azul’s people will have to respond. There’ll be more dead kids within days. Then a counterresponse, then a counter-counter until it’s Gandhi’s world of the blind. But isn’t that what we started out to do?”
    Chon knows what war is.
    What it turns us into.
    They know that Lado will keep going.
    He believes there is a leak in his organization, a turncoat working for Azul, and he won’t stop until he finds him.
    “Or we feed him one,” Ben says.

    At goddamn last.
    Party City in Irvine, Deputy Berlinger talks to a stoner clerk who remembers selling a Letterman and a Leno mask.
    “You remember the guy?”
    “Sort of.”
    Sort of.
    Fucking blazers.
    “Can you describe him for me?”
    Amazingly, the kid can.
    Tall white guy. Brown eyes, brown hair, didn’t say much.
    Paid cash.
    Something, anyway, Berlinger thinks.
    To get Alex off my aching ass.

    You put Spin (the Money Washer) together with Jeff and Craig (the Computer Geeks) and you have:
(A) The Three Stooges
(B) The Three Tenors
(C) A Trio that Can Hack into Bank Accounts and Make $ Appear Anywhere A Trio that Can Hack into Bank Accounts and Make $ Appear Anywhere
    If you guessed (C), you win. What these boys do—at Ben’s direction—is find Alex Martinez’s American bank account, then create anew one for him, transfer deposits of thirty, forty-five, and thirty-three thousand dollars into it, spin it around the world a few times, and wash it back into new accounts.
    Then they buy him a condo in Cabo.
    Then they goof around some more and launder all this through several DBAs and holding companies so that only a skilled forensic accountant could understand it.

    Jaime is a skilled forensic accountant.
    He and Ben sit in a booth at the bar in the St. Regis.
    “What do you want?” Jaime asks.
    “Uncomfortable?” Ben responds. “I know you and Alex usually come to these meetings together. You’re like Mormon missionaries, the two of you. All you need is the white shirts and the skinny black ties.”
    “So why did you want to meet me alone?”
    Ben says, “I had my people do a little research.”
    He slides a folder of documents over to Jaime, who looks at it like it’s some foreign object from outer space.
    “Open it,” Ben says.
    Jaime opens the file. Starts looking at it and then can’t stop. Starts turning pages faster and faster, flipping back and forth, his face bent closer to the file, his finger tracing lines and columns.
    This stuff, Ben thinks, is like porn to an accountant.
    Yeah, sort of, but not really. Jaime and Alex are boys, and when the former finally looks up his face is ashen.
    He is seriously bummed. Ben bums him more. Cranks up the dialon the bum-meter. “Check the deposit dates, match them up with the hijackings, and then try to tell yourself that our little Alex isn’t getting rich off my dope.”
    “Where did you get this?”
    “I got it,” Ben says. “But run it again yourself. By all means, check my homework.”
    “I will,” Jaime says. “Alex has a wife and three kids. I’m godfather to his oldest daughter.”
    “You have kids of your own?”
    “Two boys. Eight and six.”
    “Well,” Ben says, “you’re the accountant on this and it happened on your watch. Knowing the temperament of your client, I’d say it’s either his kids grow up without a daddy, or yours do. Unless … oh, J, you’re not in on this
him, are you?”
    Ben leaves a twenty and Jaime sitting there.

    Alex gets summoned to a meeting with Lado.
    Alex gets:
(A) A bonus
(B) A promotion
(C) A strong talking-to
    If you guessed (D) …

    Alex can’t explain
    The source of his income.
    The three
Vom Netzwerk:

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