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Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe

Titel: Sea Breeze 01 - Breathe Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Abbi Glines
Vom Netzwerk:
into the dining room. “We will enter through here. When I send you out, I am going to instruct you which way to go first. Do as I’ve instructed and this will be the most interesting cash you’ve ever made.” He grinned at us, and the other girl giggled.
    I wanted to roll my eyes at her giddy expression over the fact that she was about to meet Jax, who was at least two years younger than her. I wanted to tell her to grow up, but I remembered the butterflies in my stomach, and as much as I hated to admit it, I knew they were there because of Jax. I really couldn’t cast stones.
    My turn arrived, and I stepped up to the door.
    Marcus smiled at me and winked. “I’m here. You will be great. Now, head left and work your way around the room in a big circle.”
    I took a deep breath, stepped out of the dining room, and made my way directly into the ballroom. A familiar band warmed up on a stage, obviously brought in for the occasion. The guests all reminded me of walking Abercrombie ads. They mingled together, dancing and talking. I tuned out the overload of sight and sound, focused on the oysters on the half shell on my platter, and began my circle. Things were going smoothly. I smiled as I walked up to each group of gorgeous people, some of whom I recognized from television or magazines.
    They took the oysters as if I were serving something that actually tasted good, and they slung those nasty things down their throats before placing the shell back on the tray. It ranked high on my chart of one of the grossest things I’d ever seen. I kept my smile in place and watched Marcus and the others out of the corner of my eye. I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I found Marcus, whom a guest was flirting with openly, and bit back a smile. Warm breath tickled my ear. I froze but didn’t turn to find the source.
    “It appears my guest likes your friend,” Jax whispered in my ear.
    I turned my head toward him. “He’s an interesting person.”
    Jax studied me as if he were trying to gauge my attitude. I offered him the tray and he grinned. “Your feelings won’t be hurt if I choose not to take what you’re offering, will they? I just can’t bring myself to try one of those things.”
    I stifled a laugh and shook my head. “I don’t blame you,” I whispered.
    Jax raised his eyebrows. “We have something in common.”
    I gave him my best carefree smile. “Apparently.”
    I knew standing there and chatting with Jax would start talk, and I didn’t want attention, so I nodded as I left him. Without a backward glance, I walked up to the next group. It took all my concentration to forget the warmth still clinging to my ear and focus on my job.
    “I’ll only eat one if you let me feed you one first.” A tall “all-American blond” winked at me, and I woke up from my Jax daze. I gave him a forced smile and shook my head.
    “Sorry,” I managed to get out without my voice betraying my nerves.
    “You won’t let me feed you oysters, huh? Well, what about a little stroll down to the beach?”
    I started to say no, when the guy next to him stepped beside me, and I recognized him instantly as Jason Stone. “Trey, leave the help alone. Jax will send you packing.”
    Trey frowned and turned his attention back to me. “I would think if she is all right with a walk, then after she gets off tonight Jax would have no say in the matter. Besides, what did he expect when he let a gorgeous blond southern belle serve food? He is flaunting her in front of people. He should expect this.”
    Jason glanced over to where Jax stood, but I didn’t dare do the same. I noticed Jason seemed a little nervous. “Listen, Jax doesn’t hire people. We have someone else to handle the hiring of employees. He didn’t purposely put her here as if on the menu, so leave her alone.”
    Jason nudged me, and I took it as my cue to leave. I took a step toward the next group, my hands shaking and my heart racing.
    “Wait, I never got my oysters.” Strong fingers clamped around my arm, and I fought the urge to jerk free and run. I let him pull me back since my other option would involve dropping oysters all over the floor. I quickly searched the crowd for Marcus, worried he would come flying to the rescue and lose his job. I needed to remain calm to keep him from knowing about my predicament. Keeping the pained expression off my face from his tight grip was starting to prove difficult. Suddenly another set of warm fingers gently

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