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Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage

Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage

Titel: Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage
Autoren: Stuart Woods
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solid on that score, and she’s a good judge of people, too. That will serve her well in New York.”
    “You have to understand, Lance, that if things go badly in New York, everything could change.”
    “I can see how that might affect things,” Lance replied.
    “It’s better that I be here to take the blame, if things go south,” Kate said. “I think that will help protect your appointment.”
    A butler came into the room and announced dinner.
    “Of course, this is all just between us and Senator Barnes, until we’re ready to move,” the president said.
    “I understand, sir. I would like your permission to tell Holly about it.”
    “That’s a good idea, Will,” Kate said.
    “I agree,” the president said, and they went in to dinner.
    Lance took some deep breaths and tried to calm himself. His brain was bursting with what he wanted to do in the job.

The phone at Stone’s bedside was ringing when they entered his bedroom. “Hello.”
    “It’s Dino, pal. How you doing?”
    “Hey, buddy, how was the Bahamas?”
    “Terrific,” Dino said. “Place called The Albany, on New Providence. Lap of luxury.”
    “You deserve it. How did Viv like the place?”
    “She wants to live there.”
    “I’ll bet she does.”
    “How’s Holly?”
    “Busier than you would believe.”
    “Yeah, I caught the president’s speech on TV. Any leads on Jasmine?”
    “Not yet, but the commissioner has really turned out the troops in the search for her. Something’s got to break soon.”
    “I’ll see what I can do about that when I get to the office tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve got some news.”
    “Viv and I are going to get legal.”
    “You’re kidding me.”
    “I kid you not. She’s turning in her papers tomorrow. She’s got her twenty in, so she’ll get her pension.”
    “How about you?”
    “Me? Turn in my papers? You must be hallucinating.”
    “When’s the wedding?”
    “We’re working on that. It’ll be soon.”
    “Why don’t the two of you come over here tomorrow night, and I’ll crack a bottle of champagne and cook dinner for us.”
    “Deal, but it’ll have to be late. We’ve got something to do early. Nine be okay?”
    “Nine it is. See you then.” Stone hung up and turned to Holly, who was just coming out of her dressing room, beautifully naked. “That was Dino. He and Viv are just back from the Bahamas, and they’re going to get married.”
    “I don’t believe it.”
    “Neither did I, but they’re coming to dinner tomorrow night at nine, so you can grill them about it.”
    “I’ll do that.” A phone began to ring in Holly’s dressing room. “I have to get that,” she said. She went back and answered her cell phone.
    “Good evening. It’s Lance.”
    “Hey, Lance, what’s up?”
    “Quite a lot, actually.”
    “You’re not going to get me out of bed, are you?”
    “No, nothing like that. I had dinner with the president and first lady tonight. I just got in.”
    “I saw them when they were in New York,” she said.
    “They invited me over to watch him deliver his address to the nation, then dinner. Did you see it?”
    “I did, and I thought it went very well.”
    “There’s something in the offing, and I wanted you to know about it—so does Kate.”
    “She didn’t mention anything when she was in New York.”
    “This really just happened today. Kate is now planning to resign before the end of Will’s second term.”
    Holly was thunderstruck. “She certainly didn’t mention that.”
    “The president is going to appoint me as her successor. That way he can get me confirmed before he leaves office.”
    “That’s terrific news, Lance. How do you think it will go in Congress?”
    “Senator Barnes of Georgia, the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, is already on board with it, and as Barnes goes, so goes the committee and the Senate.”
    “Then it’s a done deal?”
    “For all practical purposes. Barnes is also going to get the amendment to our charter through, as well.”
    “That’s good news.”
    “This is going to have a big effect on your career, Holly.”
    “Oh?” Here it came; Lance was going to bring her back to Langley as his assistant director.
    “With the change in the charter in effect, I’m going to make the New York office a permanent station, and I want you to run it.”
    Holly’s heart leaped; she couldn’t speak.
    “Are you there, Holly?”
    “Yes, I’m just trying to catch my
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