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Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage

Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage

Titel: Stone - 25 - Collateral Damage
Autoren: Stuart Woods
Vom Netzwerk:
    “I know you wouldn’t want to go back to being my assistant, and with our new domestic duties, New York is going to become our most important station. It’s our only office in the country that’s already fully up and running, and you’ve already been appointed acting station head. We’ll make your appointment permanent.”
    “Oh, Lance, that would be just great.”
    “Then you accept?”
    “Are you kidding? Of course I accept.”
    “Good, then all our ducks are in a row. There’s just one thing, though.”
    Holly’s heart was in her throat; Lance always had a hole card that nobody but he saw.
    “What’s that?”
    “We’ve got to bag Jasmine. Kate can’t retire while that’s undone.”
    Holly sagged with relief; she had been expecting something self-serving from Lance. “I can understand that, and I’m on it.”
    “If Kate stays on until the end of Will’s term, the next president will appoint her replacement, and we don’t know who that president or his appointee will be. Maybe me, maybe not, but I’d feel a lot better if we could bag Jasmine and present the new president with a fait accompli. That would be much better for both you and me. And probably for the country.”
    “I can’t argue with that,” Holly said.
    “And when we bag Jasmine, she has to stay bagged.”
    A little shiver went up Holly’s spine; now she knew what was coming.
    “That means we need to bag her while she’s still in New York. It’s the only place in the country where we’re strong. If she’s able to run and the FBI gets her somewhere else, then it will be out of our hands. The trials could go on for years.”
    “I see what you mean,” Holly said.
    “Do you? Do you understand fully what’s at stake? Are you prepared to make it happen?”
    “I’ll do whatever I can,” Holly said.
    “That’s not good enough. Her two brothers and Dr. Kharl are gone. Jasmine has to join them in whatever hell they’re in.”
    Holly took a deep breath. “I’m on board with that, Lance. You can count on me.”
    “Good. Now get a good night’s sleep, then go get her. Good night.”
    “Good night.” They both hung up, and Holly walked back into the bedroom.
    Stone saw the look on her face. “What’s wrong?”
    “That was Lance.” She related the substance of their conversation.
    “Making your appointment in New York permanent is great news.”
    “Yes,” she said, “but I’ve also been appointed Jasmine’s executioner.”

Holly was in her office the following morning when Scotty buzzed her. “The director on line one,” she said.
    Holly picked up the phone. “Good morning, Director,” she said.
    “Good morning, Holly. Did Lance call you last night?”
    “Yes, he did.”
    “I wanted to tell you the news, but Lance was eager to speak to you first.”
    “I’m delighted for Lance,” Holly said, “but I’m going to miss you. I thought we still had a few months.”
    “Will and I talked about it a lot, and we finally agreed that the best way to ensure continuity at the Agency was to get the right person in the job as soon as possible, and I believe Lance is the right person. You’d have to go back a long way to find a director who came out of operations. The professionals who’ve had the job have been analysts, like me.”
    “I agree with you entirely, and I’m very happy with the idea of having my temporary appointment in New York made permanent. The time I’ve spent here has reminded me of how much I love this city.”
    “I love it, too, and I’m looking forward to sitting on Strategic Services’ board when Will leaves office.”
    “I hope I’ll see a lot of you then.”
    “You will. Anything new on the search for Jasmine?”
    “I’m expecting a call from the commissioner momentarily—we speak nearly every morning. The FBI has been eerily quiet, for which I’m grateful.”
    “I think it’s best not to disturb them, unless we have to. When we get a line on the al Qaeda cells in the other cities, then we’ll need their help to break them up. Even if the change in our charter is made permanent, we’ll need to staff up around the country, and that will take time. I’m already looking at recruiting more people and expanding the program at the Farm.”
    “Sounds good.”
    “I’ll let you know. Call me if the commissioner has anything new.”
    “I’ll do that.” Both women hung up, and a moment later Scotty buzzed that the commissioner was on the line.
    “Good morning,
Vom Netzwerk:

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