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Swiss Family Robinson

Swiss Family Robinson

Titel: Swiss Family Robinson
Autoren: Johann David Wyss
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hearty raps on the head, and then giving way to a burst of boyish exultation, he called upon us to help to convey his prize to his mother. This it was not by any means easy to do. Sundry attempts resulted in bloody fingers, till Jack, taking his pocket-handkerchief, and fastening one corner round its neck, ran off, dragging it after him to where his mother awaited us.
    `Hullo, mother! Here's a jolly beast, isn't it? I shot it, and it's good to eat! Father says so! I only wish you had seen how it terrified the dogs, and heard the rattling and rustling of its spines. Oh, it is a fearful creature!'
    Ernest, examining it carefully, pronounced its incisor teeth, its ears and feet, to resemble those of the human race, and pointed out the curious crest of stiff hairs on its head and neck.
    `I have read of another species,' said he, `called the tuft-tailed porcupine, which must be even more curious-looking than this is. It has short flat quills, and a scaly tail ending in an extraordinary tuft, like a bunch of narrow strips of parchment. It cannot be such a disagreeable enemy to encounter as this fellow.'
    `Were you not afraid, Jack,' asked I, `lest the porcupine should cast some of his quills like darts at you?'
    `Of course not,' returned he, `I know well enough that is nothing but a fable!'
    `A fable!' said I, `why look at your mother! She is drawing five or six spines out of each of the dogs!'
    `Ah, those stuck into them when they so fiercely fell upon it in their attack. Those are the shortest quills, and seem very slightly fixed in its skin. The long quills bent aside when Juno pressed against them.'
    `You are perfectly right, my boy,' said I, `there is no truth in the old idea of shooting out the spines. But now, shall we leave this prickly booty of yours, or attempt to take it with us?'
    `Oh, please, father, let us take it! Why, it is good to eat!'
    Smiling at the child's eagerness, and willing to please him, I made a somewhat awkward bundle of the porcupine, wrapping it in several folds of cloth, and added it to the donkey's load.
    Our party then resumed the march, which, with little interruption, was continued steadily, until we came in sight of our future place of residence.
    The wonderful appearance of the enormous trees, and the calm beauty of the spot altogether, fully came up to the enthusiastic description which had been given to me. And my wife gladly heard me say that if an abode could be contrived among the branches, it would be the safest and most charming home in the world.
    We hastily unloaded the ass and cow, securing them, as well as the sheep and goats, by tying their fore-feet loosely together.
    The doves and poultry were set at liberty, and we sat down to rest among the soft herbage while we laid our plans for the night.
    Fritz soon left us, but presently two shots were fired, and he appeared holding a fine tiger-cat by the hind legs, which, with the intensest delight, he exhibited to each in turn.
    `Well done, Fritz!' cried I. `Our cocks and hens would have had an unfortunate night of it but for this lucky shot of yours. It is to be hoped he has left no companion near at hand. You must be on the look-out.'
    `How curious it seems,' remarked Ernest, `that God should create hurtful animals like this.'
    `To our feeble and narrow vision many of the ways of the Infinite and Eternal Mind are incomprehensible,' I replied. `What our limited reason cannot grasp, let us be content to acknowledge as the workings of Almighty power and wisdom, and thankfully trust in that "Rock," which, were it not higher than we, would afford no sense of security to the immortal soul.
    `That animals should prey upon one another is a means of preserving a due balance in the world of nature. What beautiful and warm furs are procured by hunters just in those countries where no other covering would defend the inhabitants from the wintery cold!--As, for instance, the skins of bears, wolverines, and arctic foxes, wild cats, and many others.'
    `The skin of the seal, or sea dog, is also valuable,' said Ernest.
    `It is,' I replied, `and in its own element that creature preys on fish as the dog did on land animals before his race became domesticated by man. But now, Fritz, tell us how you obtained your prize.'
    `Observing that something moved among the branches,' said he, `I went softly round the tree with my gun, and making sure the creature was a wild cat I fired and brought it down. It was severely wounded, but, rising in a fury, it
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