The Great Divide
182, 183, 187, 313, 385, 487, 512, 539, 543
Lloyd, Geoffrey, 370–1, 376, 447
Locke, John, 526
Locmariaquer, 151–2
Logan, chief of the Mingoes, 535
Logan, Robert K., 368–9
logic, 368, 369
Logos , 360
Loma Alta, 186
‘long count’, 434–5
Longhena, Maria, 437
Longshan culture, 88
looms, 148, 454, 456
Lopez, Robert, 454, 455, 459
Lophophora williamsii s ee peyote
Lord of the Storm/Master of Lightning, 306, 513
Löwenmensch , 117
Lower Casma Valley, 310
Lu, 335, 336
Lucca, 451
Lucian of Samosata, 351
Luisen˜o Indians, 203
Lumbreras, Luis, 318
Lupaca, 488
Lurín River, 320
Lydia, 360, 377–8
Lyell, Charles, 159
Maapitz, 44
Machu Picchu, 541
McCormick, Michael, 454
Macedonia/Macedonians, 347, 364
Mackenzie River, 60
McManus, Dean, 63
McNeill, William, 463, 542, 543
Madagascar, 34, 213, 389
Madrid Codex, 217
Magadha, 331
Magdalena River, 103, 227, 229
Magdalénian culture, 77–8
‘magic mushrooms’, 173, 199–201, 400
maguey plant, 400
Mahabharata , 282, 296
Mahakam delta, 31, 104
Maine, University of: Climate Change Institution, 269
Mair, John, 530
maize/corn, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184–91, 221, 222, 223, 300, 303, 307, 308, 309, 311, 313, 323, 384, 399, 403, 404, 409–10, 419, 437, 469, 470–1, 487, 505–6, 543
maize god, 222, 307, 403, 419
Majiayao culture, 88
Makara, 97
Makú, 228
Malacca, 462
malaria, 129, 542
Malay peninsula, 34, 44
Malaysia, 25, 37, 44
male role, growing importance of, 144, 148, 174, 285, 297
Malinalco, 233
Mal’ta, 7, 119
Malta, 149
mammoths, 59–60, 63, 65, 67, 71–2, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 122–3, 535
management system, meritocratic, 448
Manasseh, 343
Manchuria, 286
Manchus, 294
Mandan, 196
Mandarin Chinese language, 459
Mandragora (mandrake), 211
manioc, 303
Manu, 161
manzanita, 219
Marathon, 362
Marcus, Joyce, 233, 399, 438–40, 502
Marduk, 285, 297, 347
maritime hypothesis, 254–9
markets, 377, 378, 379
marriage, 135, 148, 398–9
Mars, 155
Martin, Paul, 74, 75
martyrdom, 355
Massachusetts, 78
Masse, Bruce, 156
Master M (Mozi), 338
‘Master of the Animals’, 51–2, 227
Master of Lightning/Lord of the Storm, 306, 513
Master Yang, 339
mastodons, 67, 71–2, 73, 75
mathematics, 368, 373
Matimbamba, 317
Mato Grosso, 186
Matthews, W.D.,62
Mauss, Marcel, 441
Maya civilisation, xxxi, 99, 101, 112, 186, 188, 190, 191, 196, 199–200, 206, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 229, 232–3, 301, 304, 389–97, 401, 413–14, 415–22, 425, 426–8, 432, 433, 434–6, 437–8, 470–1, 502, 513, 514, 515, 531, 545
Mayahuel, 479
maygrass, 108
Mazda see Ahura Mazda
Mazatecs, 198, 207
Meacham, William, 32
mead, 172
measles, 463, 542, 543
Medio Mundo, 269
Mediterranean region, 27, 29, 44, 46, 82, 83, 92, 93, 98–9, 107, 143, 148, 150, 165, 172, 173–4, 178, 260, 291, 296, 347, 350, 351, 365, 367, 378, 379, 381, 460, 462, 463, 464, 465, 501, 511 see also names of places
Mediterranean Sea, 102–3
megaliths, 149–54, 156, 158–9, 167, 180, 286
mega-mammals, 66–7, 68, 73, 74–6, 78, 127, 129 see also names of animals
Megaros, 161
Megiddo, 281
Mehrgarh Culture, 86–7
Melanesia, 143, 178, 518
Mellart, James, 131
Melos, 103
Mencius (Meng Ke), 324, 339
menhirs, 149, 153
Menominees, 218
menstruation, 132
Mercado, Fray Tomásde, 529
Mercury, 373–4
Merlin, Mark, 175
Mesa Verde, 406
mescal bean ( Sophora secundiflora ), 194–5, 207
mescaline, 201–2, 315, 317
Meshwesh, 359
Mesoamerica/Central America, 9, 18, 41, 53, 92, 93, 95–6, 97, 100, 101, 107, 110, 112, 124, 125, 147, 156, 181, 186, 188, 191, 192, 194, 198–9, 200–1, 204, 221, 222, 226, 227, 228, 234, 300–10, 381, 389–403, 407, 411, 413–28, 429–30, 431–40, 442, 467–87, 502, 505, 506, 513, 514, 517 see also names of civilisations; names of countries
Mesopotamia, 27, 29, 30, 33, 44, 85–6, 102, 104, 124, 141, 143, 144, 156, 160, 173, 174, 255, 259, 260–2, 263–4, 265–6, 274, 275, 276, 280, 284, 289, 295, 300, 350, 377, 438, 440 see also names of places
metals/metallurgy, 113, 114, 115, 141, 174, 277–80, 386, 387, 459 see also names of metals
meteorites, 75, 155, 156, 157, 161, 374
meteor storms, 155, 158
Mexica, 532
Mexico, 56, 83, 92, 95, 100, 101, 108, 124, 172, 185, 186, 188, 189, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 205, 206, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223–4, 230, 255, 259, 302, 304, 390, 402, 407, 411, 423, 429, 436, 467–8, 476, 486, 524, 530, 539, 540, 541 see also
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