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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
only thing the people are going to be focusing on is the results, the suspect, and the girls.
    Out in front of the compound of Jack’s house it was another media circus. Light and camera crews were every where. All the TV stations were there. Everyone was fighting to get a sound bite. Some little bit, anything to give them their breaking story.
    As Halloway and Griffin came through the gate, the mob of reporters converged upon them, sticking their mikes in their faces, pushing forward. “Was the Guardian here?” “No comment” “Did the Guardian do the work for you?” “Did the Guardian help you find them?”
    “Sorry. No comment at this time, you’ll get your story when we know something” is all they would say.
    The mob followed them to their car, still vying for that all important news break. “Aren’t you going to make a statement? Don’t you have any comments?” “Where’s the Guardian now?”
    They just looked at each other, nodded and headed for down town.
    Chapter 90
    Captain Gregory was waiting for them in his office. He was a patient man but his patience was running thin. It was almost as though they were keeping him out of the loop all together.
    There was a soft knock on the door. “Get in here.” He said. “Have a seat.” The two of them, John and Laura sat in front of his desk like a couple of grade school kids in the principal’s office.
    “Do you two mind telling me what the hell’s been going on? No, wait, first I want to know why I haven’t been kept up to date on this thing, JOHN! I put that on your ass.” Gregory said.
    John wasn’t sure where to begin, so he just started in. “I know we haven’t been exactly punctual with the information that we’ve been receiving. Things have been moving along really quickly.” He said.
    “Bullshit, you don’t work twenty four hours a day. You go home, you eat, sleep, shit, do normal human things. I expect at least thirty minutes of your precious time to keep me in the loop of things. I told you that from the very beginning.”
    “Yes sir, I know that and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” And he proceeded to fill the Captain in on everything that had gone down in the past 48 hours. He was trying to avoid bringing up the issue with the Guardian. He wasn’t sure how he’d deal with that. That was the main reason they had avoided Gregory to begin with.
    “So, everybody’s happy?” Gregory asked. “The girls are safe and at home. At least they will be after their visit to the hospital. We have our man in custody and life is good, right, am I understanding you correctly on this?” The Captain was looking at them both. The expression on his face told them that he knew a lot more than he was letting on.
    “For all intents and purposes, yes sir.” Griffin threw in.
    “Good, then tell me how this Guardian fellow could have possibly managed to get to the scene before any of our people? He had to call us. Can you please explain that one to me, because I’d really like to know?” Gregory was not going to let this one slip by.
    Halloway and Griffin looked at each other. Griffin just shrugged her shoulders, remembering that John had said, “I’ll handle it when the time comes.” So now, the time had come and she was letting him handle it.
    “Well sir,” John started clearing his throat. We had a very long list of suspected areas when we were looking for that white van. He called us; the Guardian approached us. We had no way of contacting him.
    “We used him in the same manner that we would a snitch. He was given a part of the list. He just stumbled on to them before we did, and that’s all there was to it. He kept his end of the deal. He called us, we went in, made the collar, girls were safe, bad guy went down, end of story.”
    Gregory just looked down at them. He was just standing there, arms folded in an authoritative, parent scolding the child look on his face. “There are stories that he’s out there butchering our suspects. What about that?”
    “Look Capt., this guy is some kind of hero to people. Granted, he has a rather bizarre way of giving out justice. We just can’t seem to catch him. Anyway, it’s turning into a positive thing. We may not have found those girls in time if it hadn’t been for him. You didn’t see where that bastard had them.”
    “Okay, I don’t like it but you two are the best detectives I’ve got. I’m willing to cut you just a little slack. But by God, from now on, if you

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