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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
odd that a 51 year old man would have these feelings for a young boy of 12. After all, he was such a nice man. Everyone thought so. He just cared about kids.
    Martin was a prominent member of an organization for truck drivers called “Trucker Buddy International.” He was even honored as “Trucker Buddy of the Month.” Even after being informed of Martin’s behavior, the director did nothing about it.
    After a time Tony’s mother finally agreed to let him go for a ride in the big rig with Martin Dorsey. Tony’s mother knew nothing of what was going on at this time. However, Tony was very excited about it. The truth being, she had let him go twice. Both times, they were gone for about a week. She didn’t know that it was to be the beginning of one of her worst nightmares.
    Martin would usually sleep in the top bunk and let Tony have the bottom one. This was, as Martin explained, to keep the young boy safe in the event he had to get up and drive. He added that it would prevent the young boy from going through the windshield in the event of an emergency or panic stop.
    On one occasion, Martin had slipped down into the bottom bunk, laid down next to him and, putting his arm around him asked him “Is this okay?” Tony said, “Move your arm” and Martin immediately did so. It was a simple matter of the slow, progressive process of grooming. He had even gone so far as to ask Tony, “You’re not going to sleep naked are you?”
    It went on like that for over a year. Things would continue to get progressively worse. As is usually the case, before anyone would know what was going on, it would be too late.
    Not only was Martin going after Tony, he already had frequent access to the children of his roommate, Jane Wilkins. Jane was a boozer, barfly and a poor excuse of a mother. When ever Jane was at work or out boozing, Martin would watch the kids. He would have no problem taking a bath with the two younger children. Whether or not Jane knew or didn’t care, Martin was having the time of his life with her children.
    Jane had a 14-year-old son that would often share Martin’s bed, which, coincidentally was only a single-sized bed. This was a very damaging thing. It would ruin the young man for the rest of his life.
    It was rumored that Jane knew all about Martin. Even with this knowledge she continued to let him baby-sit her kids, bath with them and let them sleep in his bed. Perhaps she was a sympathizer, no one really knew for sure.
    It was very difficult to surmise that these things were being made aware of. The things were becoming known, but Martin continued to do his thing. It was as though he were invisible. Well, he wasn’t invisible to everyone. The one that could see right through him would be the one that would bring him down.
    Chapter 93
    Griffin went back to her desk, only slightly shaken by her little ass chewing from the Captain. However, what was really on her mind was something far more important. Halloway had made the comment that they had used the Guardian in much the same manner that they used their informants. She knew that it was a knee-jerk, shoot from the hip response, but she actually liked the idea. She was going to make a point of bringing it up to him.
    As she sat behind her desk, she went over the many messages that she that had piled up while they were out working the last case they had.
    It was very exhausting sometimes. The river of shit was never ending. You would finish one case and there would be six more. You had to keep your emotions out of the equation or it would affect your judgment. And that could get her killed.
    There was a soft knock at her door. It was John. “Got a minute?” he asked.
    “For you, anytime I wanted to throw something at you anyway.”
    “Whoa, don’t go throwing things at me. I just go my ass chewed too you know.”
    “No, you jerk, not throw as in the literal sense. It’s got something to do with what you said in the Captain’s office, that thing about the informant.”
    “Oh that, I was just grasping at straws. I wasn’t sure what the hell to say.”
    “Well, I knew you were winging it. You did a pretty smooth job, but you know, maybe that’s not such a bad idea.”
    “Look, we’ve been all through this. The Captain wouldn’t have it, you saw his reaction.”
    “Yes, I did, and when you told him how we played it out, what’d he say? He said, good job, that’s what he said.” She was watching him for a reaction.
    “Right, but I

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