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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
don’t keep me fully apprised of what the hell is going on, I don’t care if you walk on fucking water. I will pull your badges and put you at a desk. Do I make myself perfectly clear on that?”
    “Yes sir” they both said simultaneously.
    “Good, now get out of here before I change my mind.”
    “Thank you sir.” They said as they both got up to leave.
    They froze half way out the door when Gregory said, “Good work.” He was already sitting behind his desk never looking up.
    Looking at each other, they just smiled and walked out the door. They knew it was a good job. Everyone involved had done an excellent job. Like everything else, you take the good with the bad Gregory’s little ass chewing was just to keep them humble.
    Chapter 91
    The Guardian hadn’t hung around. He’d left the scene. He didn’t need to watch. What was there and what he had found was permanently etched in the back of his mind. It was the same old story. It was getting tiresome, the same thing time and again. As weary as he felt, as frustrated as it was for him to keep going on, he had to stay focused and motivated. There were still a lot of children out there that needed his help.
    Pulling into the drive in front of his house, he actually felt relieved to be home. Getting off the bike, he visually scanned the area checking to see if anything had been disturbed. Everything seemed in order. It would have surprised him if things hadn’t been. After all, he was out in the middle of nowhere. No one knew who he was or where he lived. It was only out of habit. That’s why he did the things he did.
    He stowed his gear and locked up the bike. After a long, hot shower and a bite to eat he hit the rack for some long overdue, much needed sleep.
    The next morning the Guardian got up early, went through his routine work out and katas. He showered, ate and decided to head back into Las Vegas. He wanted to go through the dockets at the courthouse, just to see what or if there was anything there. Maybe something would peak his interest. The fact that he had been a major player in their last case, he didn’t really think that he had very much to worry about. Still, he would utilize some sort of disguise, just to be on the safe side.
    He chose a medium length wig, colored contacts, a long, handlebar mustache, and sunglasses. He was almost ready. Next, he pulled out some old, worn out jeans with heavy leather boots and a worn out Harley T-shirt with the sleeves torn off.
    Looking in the mirror, he decided that it wasn’t perfect but it would do. He would only be there a short time and would be visible in the courthouse.
    He wouldn’t need his bag of tricks. This was merely a surveillance run anyway.
    There was one case in the back of his mind. He wanted to see if by chance he would be lucky enough to stumble onto it.
    The case involved a Martin Dorsey. He was a 51 year old truck driver. So he far had been avoiding any arrest or prosecution. Things were about to change for Mr. Dorsey, in a most dramatic way.
    Chapter 92
    Martin Dorsey was like the rest of them. He was a piece of shit. He was a perverted pedophile, a baby raper and child molester. He was a monster that would slaughter the innocence. It was just another example of the “Ted Bundy Syndrome.” Dorsey had hepatitis C, was gay, and was an avid supporter of the HepFest, a festival for people who have that chronic illness.
    All of the facilitators were duped into believing that he was harmless and safe. They were convinced that he just liked kids. As it would turn out, he was just playing the role. He would do anything to be near the young kids as much as possible.
    Young Tony met Martin at one of the HepFest events with his mother. Martin was immediately attracted to Tony and immediately hit on him. It wasn’t very apparent to anyone at the time. Martin was doing what they all do, grooming him. The man was continually inviting him to go for rides in his big rig. He even invited the two of them, Tony, and his mother to spend time with him. He explained that they would get to know him better.
    Like anyone else unfamiliar with how these monsters work, they had no idea that it was all just some evil plan.
    Martin was so slick about his operation. He never felt that he was doing anything wrong. His belief system was telling him that what he does is normal. Tony’s mother never saw the signs. He would refer to him as pure, innocent, God sent, or blissful. It never really struck her as

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