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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
    She had curvy, full hips and nice firm breasts that weren’t sagging yet. She was usually hit on by the other fellows at the bar on a regular basis. She never took them home though. She didn’t not want to give a bad impression on her kids. Martin never brought any of his gay lovers home with him. She didn’t need to bring men home with her. There were more than a few backseat quickies though. Gwen was considered fun to be with and a bit of a partier.
    She was lucky to have a roommate like Martin Dorsey. He made good money and took care of a large percentage of the expenses. He spent a lot of time with the kids and that freed her up to do the stuff she liked to do.
    Martin just loved kids. He was involved with all those youth programs. He was always doting over her young ones. Michael, the oldest spent a lot of time with him. Her kids never seemed to have any complaints. Quite actually, they were quiet most of the time.
    They had been roommates for some time and things seemed to be going well. There had been that mess about his behavior being questionable. That had come about from that lady friend of his. She just blew that off as jealousy and hurt feelings. That woman was accusing him of going after her son. That had to be one of the most ridiculous things she’d ever heard of. She didn’t really believe it. Her kids would have surely complained if anything funny was going on. It must have been quite a shock to discover that the man you have the hots for is gay. After finding that out she used the only weapon she had, and that was her son.
    That was probably the one reason she didn’t have any trouble trusting him around her kids. He seemed like such a nice, sincere, loving person. He always talked about the kids in a loving, positive way.
    Going out to the bar after work and hanging with her friends was her past time. The nice thing about that was Martin never seemed to mind. He was always willing to stay home and watch the kids. He would occasionally have his nights out. Michael was all of fourteen and quite capable of watching the younger ones if they were both out.
    Gwen couldn’t imagine what she’d do if Martin wasn’t around to help so much. Occasionally he would be gone for a week or so at a time. He would always come back, take care of the financial stuff which freed up her money to socialize with her friends. She’d never be able to do that without Martin around.
    The fact that he was gay didn’t bother her. She knew lots of gay men. Las Vegas was full of them. It was almost like the new San Francisco or something. Anyway, she had other men friends that could take care of her physical needs when she got the urge. If she ever had too much to drink, there were lots of places she could crash and drive home. She always knew that Martin would look after the kids. He never complained and he understood completely. If he were straight, he’d probably make the perfect man.
    This arrangement seemed to be working out quite well for everyone.
    The sad thing was, everyone wasn’t happy. Things weren’t as rosy as she painted them to be. Her children were being molested by a monster. They were scared to death of him. Their fear of him and the threats that he had leveled on them were the sole reason that they never complained. They feared his retaliation if they ever did.
    As for Michael, he was well beyond conditioning. Martin Dorsey had been grooming him and molding him for a very long time. Michael had grown to accept it as a way of life. There were a lot of conflicting thoughts going through his head. His indecisiveness, his inability to think rationally about everything going on made it extremely difficult for him to behave any other way.
    So, life went on and the things never changed. The only ones that were truly happy were Martin and Gwen. They were the only ones getting what they wanted. Both of them were locked into their own selfish, inconsiderate, addictive consumptive behaviors. Neither one of them ever really considered the children. The only person who really cared about those children was the father. Unfortunately the courts in their infamous wisdom kept ignoring everything that it was being told. Things were going to change. And the change was going to be coming very soon.
    Chapter 100
    Martin Dorsey was doing a run to Missouri. It was one of his longer runs, which he liked. It gave him a chance to scout some new boys and he could be gone before anyone got wise to him.
    He hooked up

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