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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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bring them to his house. They would find the incriminating evidence that would explain everything that had happened.
    It was amazing how despicable these sick bastards were. There were magazines, videos, and sex toys in the bedroom. There was a large wooden cabinet against the wall, locked. The Guardian picked the lock and was amazed at the amount of videos that were there. The content that he found there was disgusting.
    The videos weren’t labeled with anything that would give specific information, only numbered. He was sure that Charles knew what they meant. It made him sick to his stomach at what he found. He would be careful not to leave them too far out in the open, he just closed the cabinet, and left it unlocked. That would appear to be too much like a plant and he didn’t want there to be any chance of his not getting out of this. But, then again, that didn’t really matter. By the time he was done with him, it wouldn’t matter if they convicted him or not. He truly would be a worthless piece of human flesh.
    When he had finished, he went out to the garage. He opened the trunk lid and left it open. Going back inside, after cutting him loose he grabbed Charles, hauled him out to the car, and placed him in the trunk. He bound his feet and hands so as not to have to worry about any interference if he should come to before he got them to where they were going. He didn’t want him pulling any wires, disabling any lights to draw any undo attention.
    Next, he went back inside the house. This was the most crucial part, going through and making sure that there was absolutely nothing left behind that would in any way trace this back to him. He took a painstakingly long time, cleaning every place he had been and everything he had touched, he knew that it was necessary. Still, he had to hurry. It would be coming up daylight soon and didn’t want anyone seeing them leave.
    He grabbed Charles’ keys, made one last look around, and went out the garage door. Using the keys, he locked the door and hit the garage door opener button. Quickly jumping into the car, starting it up he backed out making sure the garage door closed tightly behind him.
    The Guardian looked around at the parasites house and said to himself, “Well Charles, you are about to begin a significant emotional event in your life.” He drove off. Where they were going, no one would hear him scream.
    Chapter 9
    Lieutenant Laura Griffin knocked on Halloway’s door, a look of anxiousness on her face. She had run all the way up from her office.
    Halloway looked up from his desk, “What’s up Laura?”
    Detective Laura Griffin was the closest thing to a partner that Halloway had. She had worked her way up the hard way, just like he did. Only it was harder on her. It didn’t help that she was woman, but also she was a damn good-looking woman. Everyone figured she was just another dumb, blue eyed, curvy, Las Vegas blonde-haired woman. How far from wrong they were. She had a master’s degree in criminal investigation, black belts in Tai Kwon Do, Kenpo Karate and spent a regular schedule at Las Vegas Athletic Club. She wasn’t just another pretty face. She had a wonderful personality and a sense of humor to match. Laura, known to embarrass more than a few rookie officers by walking into the men’s room to confront them after they had pulled some lame, sexist little bullshit prank. She’d walk right up to them at the urinal, looking down she’d say, “Yep, just what I thought, you’re just compensating your little pecker with some macho bullshit,” and she’d turn and walk away. Halloway couldn’t ask for anyone better.
    Laura didn’t flaunt the fact that she was built well. She just couldn’t hide it. Her clothes fit her snug but not so tight she couldn’t move in them. She didn’t want anything impeding her if she had to chase some scum bag down or heaven forbid jump walls. There wasn’t a piece of property in Vegas that didn’t have walls. However, if Laura Griffin was going out on the town, she could knock them dead just walking into the room.
    “We got the results back on your John Doe in the hospital. It seems he’s been a pretty naughty boy over the years.” Griffin said, entering the office. She handed Halloway the paperwork that she held. “You need to take a look at this. I think it may explain a lot.”
    Halloway took the papers and started to scan over them. The victim’s name was Charles Radcliff, 45 years old, with arrests

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