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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
that the man was being helped to his feet. There was no doubt that the people were giving him sympathetic response as he told the few there that he had been assaulted by a strange man. The Guardian just smiled to himself, he didn’t know how lucky he really was to get away with just a bump on the head.
    It was a short time later that the man and little girl got into his car, backed out and started to leave. He waited until he was sure that they hadn’t seen him and he pulled out and followed at a safe distance.
    The man could be seen turning his head, yelling at the girl, waving his arm. Obviously he hadn’t learned his lesson. He was blaming the little girl for the assault.
    He followed them to an area off of Eastern and Bonanza. It was a predominantly Hispanic area. The business buildings had little if any lettering in English. The advertising was mostly in Spanish.
    They turned west onto Bonanza and made a left turn onto 19th street. They made a right turn onto Walnut. He passed the car as it pulled into the driveway, making note of the number. It would be safer to come back at night; he definitely didn’t want to make a move now.
    The Mexicans would stand around, hanging on the bed of the small pick up truck that was parked in the yard, drinking beer while their annoying Mariachi music blared away. The man he had knocked out bragged about his incident. He would probably be telling them how he would have taken this “puta, polvo ano cerdo” out if he had not sucker punched him.
    Well, he had been a lot of things but a “whore, fucking asshole bastard” wasn’t one of them. At any rate, he didn’t care. That grease ball, bean counter was the asshole. He’d have his time as well.
    Chapter 27
    It was a two hour drive back to Chloride so the Guardian decided to stay in Vegas for the night. He got a room at the sleazy little motel, “Blue Angel on Fremont and Eastern. He didn’t care that much about comfort. Just clean and dry. That was all that really mattered. Quite honestly, clean and comfortable was a bit questionable. It was a low budget motel and just about everyone there wanted to stay under the radar, just like him. He wanted to blend in, just like everyone else.
    After grabbing a bite to eat, he went back to his room. He took some of his left over dinner with him. Leaving his clothes on him, he stretched out on the bed and dozed off. He was a light sleeper, always sleeping with one eye open just in case. He was only going to be there a few hours until it was very dark. He would then drive back to visit his friend in the barrio.
    He awoke around two in the morning. After freshening up a bit, he loaded the van and headed out to the Mexican’s house. Early on, he had decided that this was going to be a freebee. There would be no dramatics, no traumatic effects, no life long scars, and no worthwhile news coverage. This was simply going to be a matter of teaching the boy a lesson. He would get the message across.
    As he drove through the night he couldn’t help but wonder how grown men with ten times the size and strength as these small children could do the mean and vicious things they did. Something was wrong with our society that was for sure.
    The Guardian stopped several streets down from the house on 15th and Linden. He walked back staying in the shadows out of sight.
    When he got to the house, everything was quiet. It seemed that all Mexicans had dogs or some other form of pet roaming around the yard. He never knew when he’d encounter some vicious animal that passed as a pet. They were fond of pit bulls. He brought a piece of the prime rib that he’d had for dinner. Before he left, he had made sure that it was laced with enough sedative to put out whatever beast he would encounter, yet not enough to kill it. He also kept a small fridge in the van with meat treats and other forms of bait for just such purposes.
    Approaching the back of the house, he peered over the back wall. He saw the dog house in the back corner of the yard. The dog, a pit bull came out of the small house, growling, showing his large teeth as a sign of threat to the intruder.
    He tossed the meat over the wall and the dog immediately jumped on it. Devouring the meat greedily, the dog consumed the whole piece. The Guardian watched patiently as the dog gradually began to show signs of weaving, shaking his head. Then, staggering slightly he simply just lay down and went to sleep. “Good doggie” he said and slipped over the

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