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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
time later, after another attempt at lovemaking, they both had showered and got dressed. They made it out to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast.
    This really struck her as odd. He seemed aroused. He got an erection. They went thorough the motions just fine. She could have sworn he never climaxed. He couldn’t blame it on alcohol. Maybe she was doing something wrong. She put it out of her mind and got dressed. It never entered her mind that this was a normal trait of child molesters.
    While standing in the kitchen making the coffee, Amber came into the room and just stood there staring at him. He sensed the eyes on the back of his neck and turned around. When he saw Amber he just smiled.
    Amber, only 10 was definitely taking after her mother. She was slender, shapely and had the cutest, sweetest face. He hadn’t seen one so pretty in a long time.
    He stood there, looking at her for what seemed a very long time. He had caught himself staring. “Hi, I’m Gil.” He said looking away, going back to his coffee.
    “Hi, I’m Amber.” She said. “Are you my mom’s new boyfriend?”
    “Well, I’m not sure yet, we just met last night.”
    A funny look came across her face as if she was trying to decide if she liked that or not. Even at just ten years old, she knew about things like that and when people slept together.
    “Is that okay with you?” Gil asked.
    “Sure, I guess.” She turned and ran off down the hall.
    After she was gone, Gil stood there smiling to himself. Boy, that little girl was sure a cutie. He could feel his jeans tightening where they shouldn’t. He reached down and rubbed himself with his hand, “down boy.”
    He proceeded to finish the coffee.
    Jane came out of the bedroom, freshly showered and dressed, looking radiant, smiling from ear to ear. She went up to Gil, put her arms around him and hugged him tight.
    “You’re awfully cuddly this morning. You want some coffee?” He said.
    “Sure, thanks.”
    “So, my having kids isn’t a problem for you?” She asked.
    “No, not really, I mean. I don’t really know, I’ve never had any of my own.” He admitted.
    “Well, it’s just that when ever I meet someone I like, it always turns them off as soon as they find out I have two kids. I guess that’s why I was afraid to tell you last night. I hope you’re not upset with me.”
    “No not at all. It was just a surprise, that’s all. Your daughter is very cute, she looks just like you.”
    “Yes, thanks. That’s Amber. She’s going to be a handful I can tell. She’s already getting ideas. There’s also my son. Alan is 12. He’s starting to feel his oats too.”
    “Alan huh, I didn’t see him.”
    “He’s usually up and gone out to play with his buddies on the weekends. I’m sure he’s outside somewhere. That was his radio that you heard blaring so loud.
    “I hate to be nosey, but I noticed you weren’t driving last night. Is your car broken down?” She was asking.
    “Well, truth is, I don’t own a car. I just got here a few months ago and I’ve been getting around on the bus. I own a bike, but it’s not running right now. I’ve actually been thinking of getting one though. A car that is.”
    “My ex left an old junker out by the side of the house. I’m not sure what’s wrong with it. It may not even worth fixing up. You’re welcome to it if you want to put the time and money into it.”
    “Well, that sounds like a deal. I’ll go take a look after we eat.”
    After they had finished eating, they went out to look at the car that was stashed on the side of the house.
    It wasn’t a classic or rare find for sure. It was just an old Chevy Malibu. It was still in good shape. The body was straight with faded and dirty paint. The interior wasn’t all torn or ragged, just a little faded and dirty as well. Gil had taken the battery out of her car and put it in the old Malibu. After a bit of fusing and priming of the carburetor it fired right up. It looked like this was going to work out quite well.
    Surprisingly, it started. Gil acquired the car and fixed it up so that he could drive it and they dated for about a year. Eventually Gil moved in with them. He had already established a bond and friendship with the kids. He was especially fond of Amber. Things were about to change.
    Chapter 30
    Amber was at the age where she wasn’t stupid about things that went on between people. Heck, even she saw why her mom was attracted to Gil. He was handsome and nice to be

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