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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
handle these types of cases. It wasn’t that he really wanted to, however, he was to uphold the law. That meant that even the predators had rights.
    What made things worse was the media frenzy that had started. Somehow, it had leaked out there was a vigilante out there. The MO’s were the same on both victims. People were actually wanting the vigilante to go free so that he could keep doing what he was doing.
    The headlines in the RJ were glorifying this person. They were saying that he or she was single handedly doing what the court system was unable to do.
    Justice was finally being dealt with a swift and serious blow. The whole media was making it a Circus. It was only making his job that much harder.
    Courtrooms were being monitored wherever there were cases involving a child abuse case of any kind. The court officials were to keep their eyes open for any suspicious looking persons, male or female and report to the bailiffs immediately.
    Halloway didn’t realize that they had so many cases involving child abuse. Family Court was inundated with complaints. His main area of involvement was the high crime, felony stuff. He never really got that close to the child abuse end of it. He didn’t like what he was seeing.
    Well, it was very clear to him that whoever this vigilante was, he was playing judge, jury, and executioner. It was apparent that he was not to be reckoned with.
    Chapter 29
    Gil Johnson had married Jane Cartwright just over a year ago. It was a marriage of convenience. Her son, Jason was twelve and her daughter, Amber was only ten. They had dated for about a year after they first met. The kids took to him right away. He played games with them and took them to the park. He gave them rides on his motorcycle, and often would listen to their juvenile silly problems with false concern and interest.
    Gil was a construction worker. He had gotten a good paying job working on the new Wynn casino.
    Considered a handsome man, Gil Johnson was tall. He stood six feet four inches and was a solidly built man. He had medium length, brown, wavy hair, and piercing blue eyes. He turned many women’s heads just walking into a place. However, Gil had issues.
    He’d only been in town about six months when he had met Jane. He was living in one of the Budget Suites in a small studio. It was a cramped room and a good drive from the strip where he worked. The CAT buses were worthless as far as being timely or on schedule. If they weren’t broke down due to the overheating, they were just plain running behind.
    He was shooting pool one night at the Rum Runner Bar on Tropicana Ave, and ran into Jane and a couple of her friends. They hit it off right away.
    Jane was a good looking woman with long, sculptured legs that ran all the way up to her perfectly, heart shaped ass. Her breasts weren’t large, but were full, firm, and real. It was a fact that she was very proud of. Especially here in Vegas where it was almost a prerequisite to have fake boobs to get a job or anything else for that matter. Her hour glass figure was definitely an eye catcher and she was a woman who damn sure looked good in a pair of tight jeans. She had long blonde hair, obviously bleached, but still those electrifying, dark brown eyes couldn’t be resisted.
    She was a good looking, well built woman. Even with her outgoing personality, she still had a hell of a time meeting Mr. Right. She was a single mother with two small children. She had baggage.
    Gil and Jane had hit it off so well she ended up taking him home with her the first night they met. This was totally out of character for her. Her friends warned her that in a city like Las Vegas, doing a one night stand was the wrong thing to do.
    “Don’t be silly” she insisted. “Look at him, how could there be anything wrong with that?”
    “Just be careful” they insisted.
    The next morning a blaring stereo coming from the other side of the house wakened them.
    “What the hell is that?” Gil asked, startled.
    “Oh, I’m so sorry, you’re going to hate me, I didn’t tell you my two kids live with me.” She said. She was sure that she’d blown it for not telling him, but to her surprise, he just said…
    “Kids huh? That’s okay, just startled me I guess.” Gil said as he rolled over and puller her to him.
    Jane had to admit it. She was a bit disappointed. He didn’t perform as well as she had hoped. It was probably just the alcohol. She would just try harder the next time.
    A short

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