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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
executed a thrusting front kick into the back of Gil’s left knee. Gil would have screamed if he’d been able to.
    The Guardian was surprised at how strong he was. As Gil went down on the one knee he tried to throw the Guardian over his shoulder. It was no use. It was like he was anchored to the floor.
    Amber was up on her knees on her bed. She watched with excitement, covering her mouth with her hands so that she wouldn’t make any noise.
    His eyes were bulging. He was trying to gasp for air as his hands desperately clawed at the arm securely gripping him around his neck. He felt himself being pulled to the floor. Suddenly he was on his knees, being pulled backwards. The stranger had incredible strength. His arms were locked in a sleeper hold around his neck. Gil was getting light headed. What was happening? He could see Amber sitting on her bed. There was no fear in her eyes. She had no shock on her face. It was just a smile and a satisfying look. Then, it went dark.
    The Guardian let go of Gil and laid him on his back. Looking up at Amber, whispering he said “You go somewhere for a bit. You don’t need to see this okay?” He went out and grabbed his bag off the patio.
    When he came back in she said, “What are you going to do? Are you going to kill him?” She was starting to get worried.
    “No dear, I’m not going to kill him. I promise, I’m just going to make sure that he never bothers you again. Remember what we said. You won’t wake your mother until after I’m gone okay?” She nodded her head yes.
    “Okay, quickly now. I’ll come out when I’m done. Be very quiet.”
    Amber waited impatiently in the hall. She was pacing, back and forth between the kitchen and her room. She was nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
    A brief time later, he came out of her room carrying the bag. She came over, anxious, excited.
    “What did you do, can I go in?” She was pleading.
    “No, you stay out here. Remember our plan?” He asked her again.
    She was nervous and very excited, “I think so.”
    He smiled at her, “Okay. I’ll run it by you one more time. It is easy. You are just nervous. Once I’m gone you can wake your mom. She’s going to be very upset, but don’t let that bother you. You didn’t do anything wrong. Always remember that. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
    She nodded her head, trying to take it all in.
    “She will call the police. They will do the rest. You must tell your mother everything. Tell her the truth. They will help you. She won’t hate you or blame you, nothing like that. Do you think you can do that?”
    “Yes, yes. I can, I will I promise.” Amber said crying now.
    He took her hand and placed it over his heart, “You’ll always be right here. If you need me I’ll know and I’ll be right there.”
    Amber gave him a kiss on his cheek through the black silk mask that he wore. He brushed her cheek with his hand, turned and was gone.
    At the last minute she realized, and whispered, “Thank you.” It was too late. He had already gone. Somehow she knew inside that he already knew that.
    Amber, her patience totally gone and her anxiety at its peak, rushed down the hallway. Forcing herself not look into her bedroom she made her way to her mother’s bedroom.
    Standing next to her mother at the side of the bed she reached out and gently shook her mother’s shoulder.
    Jane stirred, rolled over with a surprised look on her face. Sleepily she said, “Amber, what are you doing, what’s wrong honey?”
    Amber’s heart was pounding now. Somehow, from somewhere deep inside she surged up the courage to do what she had to do next. Then she said, “Mom, you need to get up, something’s happened.”
    Chapter 40
    The blue and red lights lit up the small cul-de-sac like it was Christmas. There were about a half a dozen black and whites, a couple of unmarked police cars. The whole neighborhood was awake.
    Lieutenant Halloway and Detective Griffin were sitting in the living room with Jane as she explained what had happened. She was crying, shaking her head. She had no idea. How could she know? Before the police had arrived, Amber had explained everything to her mother. She told the whole story from beginning to end. The two of them were sobbing. Jane sat there shaking her head in disbelief. Amber’s head hung down in shame. Neither one of them had the courage to go into the small bedroom where Gil had been left.
    The police busied themselves going about the house

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