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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
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Gil. He had turned on her and made her do vile things. What made this guy any different?
    “Why should I trust you?” She wanted to know.
    “I’m not asking you to trust me. I’m just giving you an ear to talk to. If you’d like me to leave I will. I have a funny feeling that you don’t want that. I sense that you have a terrible burden on your shoulders and you’re dieing to tell someone before you burst.” The Guardian said as looked straight into her eyes. He could see it. The eyes were the windows to the soul and he had hit the nail right on the head. There was something very wrong and he wanted to find out jus what it was.
    Amber started crying again, “Oh God, how did you know.” She buried her face in her hands. “I’m so ashamed. I’m so scared I don’t know what to do. I’ve been so terribly bad.” She was sobbing now.
    The Guardian slid down the bench closer to her. Looking up he scanned the area for possible intrusion and saw none. Nobody cared.
    Without touching her, he leaned over next to her. “I can help you with your problem. That’s what I do.” He said whispering softly in her ear.
    Amber’s head shot up. She turned and looked at him. Her eyes darting back and forth, she studied his face. “It’s you isn’t it? you’re him. you’re the one their looking for aren’t you?”
    He had to be very careful here. Everything that happened from this point on was critical. He decided to take the chance.
    “Yes” was all he said. He watched her face for a reaction.
    It was as if a great weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. She looked at him intensely, tears in her eyes, “You did hear my prayers” she said to herself. She looked into the eyes of the Guardian and smiled broadly. For the first time in almost a year she felt there actually was hope.
    For the next hour she spilled forth everything that had happened over the past three years. She explained how this man Gil had come into their lives. How he was such a wonderful, generous, and caring person at first. Amber went on to explain how once he moved in with them he started coming to her room at night.
    It was very difficult for her, but she forced herself to share these things with this stranger. Sharing her most private experiences with this man she didn’t even know. He somehow had this aurora about him that made her feel comforted and safe.
    The Guardian sat there, quietly, patiently listening intently. His anger was burning inside of him. He showed no emotion what so ever. When she had finished, she leaned her head against his chest. The hanky tightly pressed to her eyes as she sobbed. He put his arm around her, comforting her. She could feel the strength of him. She felt safe and secure. So much so that she never wanted to leave.
    “You’ll be okay now. He’ll never bother you again. I promise.”
    She sat there and listened as the Guardian explained what was to be done. He got the information that he needed from her. The plan was set.
    The only thing that was scary or that bothered him about any of this was going in expected and known. He was placing a great deal of trust in this girl. Then again, he felt that it was okay. He truly felt that she could be trusted. She had nothing to loose.
    Chapter 37
    Gil Johnson got up early, before the crack of dawn. He did every morning. He showered, shaved and dressed for work. He walked out towards the kitchen, stopping to look in on Amber as he always did. He cracked the door open wider and peeked in at her. She was sleeping soundly as though she hadn’t a care in the world. He smiled to himself, felt his manhood start to rise, “down boy” he said to himself and quietly closed her door.
    He went to the kitchen and gathered up the coffee and lunch. There was an “I love you have a great day” note that Jane always had prepared for him. He headed off to work. He hadn’t even started his day yet and he was already thinking about the visit that he would be paying to Amber later on that night.
    The Malibu fired up and he backed out of the driveway and headed towards the strip. The Wynn had been completed and he was on another super casino going up. His thoughts were about what he would do once it was completed. He was a good, hard worker. He knew he’d not have to worry about finding work. The only problem was the illegal immigrants that they hired. They undercut the wages so badly that nobody wanted to work for that kind of money. The development companies didn’t

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