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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
want to pay the straight guys what they were worth when they could get the job done so much cheaper. It was a crime, pure and simple.
    As Gil drove off to work, he was wrapped up in these thoughts. He had gotten Amber to the back of his mind and didn’t notice the sleek, black motorcycle that was following him.
    The Guardian followed safely enough behind that he wouldn’t be noticed. Even at four in the morning, there was a considerable amount of traffic. He wasn’t concerned about it though. This was simply a surveillance run. Making a move, anywhere that there would be witnesses was just unheard of. That would put his whole operation at risk. All he wanted to do now was watch this monster. To see him move, work and watch his actions and reactions. Gil’s body movements, actions and reactions would speak volumes to him. He didn’t like surprises and Gil was not a small man. He was a tall and solidly built. Even though he was no match for the Guardian, he had learned many years ago from his sensei that you never underestimate your opponent. It always led to ones eventual undoing.
    Gil parked his car, grabbed his lunch and thermos. After locking it up, he made his way to the job site. Off in the distance the Guardian was watching. Nothing was going unnoticed.
    The Guardian spent the day there. He watched the man through his lunch. He watched him hamming it up with his buddies, joking, back slapping, even getting serious when the man came around. Obviously the boss came around and exchanged a few words with them. He had a memory like a steel trap and the information was filed away and stored.
    At the end of the day, he watched as Gil walked back to his car. He tossed his belongings into the backseat, and pulled out of the lot. He didn’t go right home though. He would stop at the local bar first. Gil always stopped at the little shithole bar, Office Bar 2 on Desert Inn. All the guys went there after work for a few cold ones. It was a tiny little bar on the south side of DI, not much parking except for the 7-11 next door but it was always busy.
    They didn’t notice the Guardian when he came in. That’s what he did, blended in. He sat at the end of the bar closest to the table where the beer swelling, hard working, macho construction workers sat. They bragged about their macho bullshit. They bragged about how they were the king of the castle, rulers of the roost. They were talking down and belittling the women that loved them more than they deserved. These women were merely slaves to them. They were maids in the kitchen, whores in the bedroom and that was all they needed them for. At least that was the impression they gave away from home to their macho friends.
    It didn’t surprise him that they all knew about the hot little daughter that Gil’s wife had raised. A few of them had seen her when Jane would bring Gil his lunch or some other little favor on occasion.
    Of course Gil would never admit to anyone what he was really doing. You just never knew how some people would take shit like that. He had a good thing and he didn’t want to spoil it that was for sure.
    “Well, you know for damn sure she’s gonna be hot like her mama is. That’s a fact.” Gil was bragging now. “She’s fillin’ out right nice too, just like her mama, let me tell you.”
    “Ya, you sure got lucky there Gil.” One of them was saying.
    “How’d an ugly putz like you get such a hot lookin’ woman anyway Gil?” another man wanted to know. They were all laughing loudly now.
    “Shit man, it’s this big ‘love lizard’ of mine that women want so bad. I ain’t gotta be good looking,” he said grabbing his crotch. Loud, uproarious laughter filled the bar.
    “Ya, right, in your dreams man.” There was more laughter and shaking of heads. It went on and on.
    When the Guardian had decided he’d heard enough and he couldn’t stand to listen any more, he paid his tab and quietly and unnoticed walked out the door.
    He smiled to himself as he mounted his bike. “I hope you had a good time tonight asshole. It’s probably gonna be your last.”
    Chapter 38
    They were sitting at the table eating their breakfast. Dreading the thought of another day at school. Amber’s mind, preoccupied with her new found friend, a big smile on her face.
    Jane couldn’t help but notice. “Amber, you seem unusually happy this morning.”
    “Good morning mom. Ya, I guess if you say so.” She was afraid to look her mother in the eyes, afraid

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