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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
she’d give something away.
    “It’s okay honey, really. I guess I’m just glad to see you smile for a change. You were beginning to worry me is all? I’m your mother. I’m allowed to worry about you.”
    “I know mom, sorry” she said. She got up, grabbed her bag, and headed for the door. “Love you, bye” and she was gone.
    Jane just looked after her in surprise. “Love you too” and the door slammed behind her.
    She wasn’t sure exactly what had changed in her daughter to make the metamorphosis that it had. She wasn’t going to question or complain. As far as she was concerned, it was a step in the right direction. Perhaps the doctor was right. It was just a puberty thing and it was all just going to pass.
    Jane got herself ready. She finished picking up the kitchen and headed out to work. She was running late and didn’t want to be any later than she was already going to be.
    Alan was ahead of them all. Already finished he was out the door. Alan was oblivious to anything except his own little world.
    As Jane drove off to work, she decided that she wasn’t going to worry, question, or try to figure out the mood swing that had changed Amber literally over night. She would just take it one day at a time. She would deal with what ever came along. The problem was she had no idea what lie ahead. Fortunately, she had the strength that she would see it through. She wouldn’t think so at the time, but it would bring her and her daughter closer together than they had ever been before. It would change their lives and the way they looked at things forever.
    Chapter 39
    He watched the house. It didn’t take long. All the lights went out, one by one. He would wait. He was good at that too. Amber had told him that there were no dogs, no noisy pets to give any alerts. She had explained the lay out of the house as best she could. She assured him that the patio door would be unlocked so that he wouldn’t have any trouble getting in.
    The Guardian wasn’t very comfortable with the situation. Yet, he felt that he had enough confidence in the girl that she would not betray him. If things were to go south on him, he could still get out without any trouble. He never went in without a way out.
    When he was sure that things were safely quiet and he could get in unnoticed, he made his move. Just as she had promised the patio door was unlocked. Moving as quiet as a mouse, he slithered in, accessing the area. Orienting his self with the layout that Amber had given him, he worked his way down the hall.
    The agreement was that if her door was closed it meant that he was already in her room. If that were the case he would have to alter his plans only slightly. He hoped that he could get in there before Gil made his move. The element of surprise would be on his side and that was something that he needed.
    Her door was open, good. He oriented to where the master bedroom was and focused on the door. He watched it and listened. He made sure that it stayed that way until he was set.
    Stopping just outside her door he peered in. Amber sat there on her bed. Her heart pounding in her chest so hard she thought it would burst though. He looked at her, a finger to his lips as he scanned her room.
    Amber pointed to her closet. It was at the far end of her room, away from the bed. He nodded and as he quietly slipped into the closet, she pulled back her covers and slipped into bed. Now they would wait. He had warned her that it probably would be hard for her to relax. She may be feeling very anxious. However, it was important for her not do anything to give him away.
    What seemed like hours was only a short time when they heard footsteps coming down the hall. The Guardian slowed his heart rate, his breathing becoming very shallow, and he practically became invisible.
    Amber, feigning sleep, peeked through the slits she’d made with her eye lids. The Guardian watched as Gil came into her room. He quietly closed the door and walked over to her bed. His boxer shorts were bulging out in front. She knew what that meant, and she started to get scared. What if something went terribly wrong? Suppose this doesn’t work? What if Gil killed them both? Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour.
    Gil had his back to the closet. He was so focused on what he was about to do. He didn’t hear the silent, dark stranger come up behind him. The Guardian put him in a choke hold. His arm was around Gil’s neck. It was like a vice. With his right foot he

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