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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
of an obsessed man, he set about removing the film from all the windows.
    He wasn’t that concerned about transportation. He had the old Jag. His mother had left him a vintage E-Type Jaguar. The old XKE’s were worth a serious amount of money since they didn’t make them anymore. He’d drive the Jag into town to get the film. Maybe even some black and yellow spray paint and put some half assed flames on the front. It would just look like some beaner owned it. This was turning into a real pain in the ass. He was starting to think that he would have to settle for the two girls that he already had. However, he was tiring of them and wanted some new meat.
    It took him hours to clean the film off the windows. Scraping with a razor blade and cleaning solution, he got it all off. He also had to make sure that there was no evidence of the cleaning left on the upholstery. It couldn’t look like the film had been changed. God he hated it. But, that was the price he had to pay for his stupidity.
    Laying low for awhile seemed the thing to do right now. It could be worse he thought. He had his two pets to entertain him. It wasn’t like he was doing totally without.
    If Michael Jackson can get away with his bullshit, he thought, surely he could pull this off. He focused on the windows and tried not to think about it.
    When he was finally done, he decided that he’d make a list of the things he needed to change the appearance of his van. His list consisted of silver privacy film, red and yellow spray paint, masking tape and butcher paper. He would need a lot of paint so he would have to get it from several different places. Buying too much from one place at one time was too risky. That would surely send out red flags. The window film he could get at the nearest AutoZone. A roll of butcher paper could be gotten from any postal shipping place. Everything would be paid for in cash. No paper trails. He would toss the receipts at various bus stops along the way. Christ, what a lot of effort this was turning into. But, he already knew it was his own damn fault. He definitely had to have more patience. There would be no more mistakes.

Part Six
    The Meeting
    Chapter 60
    Halloway and Griffin were on another call from the Guardian via their speaker phone.
    “So, what’s the plan Mr. Guardian man?” John wanted to know.
    “Don’t be sarcastic with me. I don’t particularly think this is a joking matter.” The Guardian said. He had little patience, and loosing more by the minute.
    Laura jabbed John in the ribs, “Okay. I’m sorry, just trying to lighten things up a bit. Go ahead.” He said
    “Go out on SR160 towards the Red Rock Canyon Recreation area.”
    “I know that, go on.”
    “A ways out there’s a look out area on the right. It’s fairly large you can’t miss it.
    “Park your car as close to the street side of the lot as you can. This time of year there should be heavy traffic. It may be busy. Walk to the rail as though you’re there to site see. Keep your hands were I can see them at all times.”
    John knew the area very well. It would be a bit difficult for him to have Singletary and Smythe and the Guardian not see them. They’d have to be very creative. There was nothing past the railing at the far end of the parking lot. There was only a drop off. Then open desert going out to the Red Rock.
    “I’ll call you on your Cell phone so make sure you have it with you.”
    John looked at Laura, a puzzled look on his face. “How’d you get that number?”
    “Does it really matter? Once I am sure that the area is secure I will call you and we can discuss a plan.”
    “What time do we need to be there? It’s about a forty five minute drive from here you know?” Laura asked.
    “Be there early, 10 AM sharp, tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.” The phone went dead.
    “Well, there you have it. Tomorrow morning, 10 AM and don’t be late.” John mimicked.
    “Try to be civil John,” Laura said. “He’s only trying to help.
    “I know that. I’m having a little trouble trusting him, know what I mean?”
    Halloway caught Singletary’s eye through the window to his office and motioned for him to come in. “Get Smythe and come in here.”
    A few moments later, the two officers sat in front of John’s desk.
    “Laura, John” they both greeted them.
    “Okay, here’s the plan. We are to meet this Guardian at the look out area at Red Rock off SR160 tomorrow morning at 10 AM. You two will need to be there

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