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The Guardian

The Guardian

Titel: The Guardian Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: D.E. Hall
Vom Netzwerk:
show them who the boss really was.
    Watching the kids as they came in and out of the club he focused on one girl in particular. She was by herself, walking with her head down. Hands in her pockets, she just shuffled along. She was just kind of dragging her feet. She didn’t seem to be in a hurry. She was oblivious to her surroundings.
    Observing the kids around her he noticed that several kids just ran past her. They didn’t say anything to her. She was saying nothing to them. As he watched he thought, perfect.
    Starting the van, he watched where she might be going. He pulled the lever down and into drive. He looked in all directions, making sure that there weren’t any interference. He slowly pulled out of his parking space and pulled up to the light in the left turn lane. He was heading north on MLK. As he sat there, he watched the girl as she walked up Washington. She was heading west. His heart was racing now.
    The light turned green and the car behind him honked his horn. He’d been lost in his thoughts and was taking too long. He just waved and gunned the engine and shot through the light. Christ, he thought. He needed to make sure that he had everything in order. He pulled into a small parking lot of a small car donation Center. After putting it in park he climbed into the back to make sure that everything was ready. It was no big deal really, just a roll of duct tape, a couple of rags and his bottle of chloroform. He put the bottle in his pocket. He slipped on a pair of rubber surgical gloves, and grabbed one of the rags. He kept his eyes on the girl all the while. He didn’t want her disappearing on him. He jumped back into the driver’s seat and pulled back out onto Washington.
    The girl was walking on the right side of the street, perfect. He could pull ahead, sit with the door open and grab her as she went by. It would work just like the last one. He’d knock her out and be gone before anyone even saw anything.
    Finding a spot up the street, he pulled over. After slipping into the back, he could hardly detain himself. Pulling the bottle from his pocket, he soaked the rag. He coughed as the fumes wafted up to his nostrils, he slid the door open just enough to see out.
    Just as the girl got along side of the van he threw the door open. He reached out to grab her but she was too quick. The young girl punched him square in the eye with her small fist, and took off running.
    Stunned for only a second he took off after her. She was way too quick for him. “FUCK!” he shouted and stopped running. His mind racing, “FUCK, now what?” He decided to go back to the van and get the hell out of there.
    Forcing himself not to run, he strode quickly back to the van. He quickly climbed into the side door, slammed it, jumped into the front and squealed the tires pulling out. “Slow, slow, slow you dumb fuck,” he thought to himself. That was all he needed was to draw attention to him.
    Christ, what had happened? How could he have blown that? He was franticly looking around to see who, if anyone had seen what had just happened. Fucking stupid little black bitch anyway. He would have to go straight home, wait, and see what kind of shit, if any, popped up on the news.
    It was his fault. He was too impatient. She was probably there every day. He should have waited. Coming back the next day or even the next, just watching for awhile. But, Nooooooo, he had to think with the wrong head, like a dumb ass. Well, no harm no foul he thought. Hopefully she hadn’t gotten a good look at him.
    As he drove slowly, back to his house thoughts of anxiety were racing through his mind. Now he would really have to lay low. He thought about getting rid of the van, maybe she had gotten a description of it. They’d be watching for it. if she did she would surely give them the description. He didn’t like having to worry about shit like this. Damn it, it was his own fault. How could he have been so stupid? Well, worry was a wasted human emotion anyway. He’d just focus on maintenance and recovery from it. He’d go home and take it out on his other two little visitors. Yes, that’s what he’d do. As he drove on thinking about it, he began to get aroused.
    Chapter 57
    Angie jumped startled, eyes wide with fear. She had seen the van pass her out of the corner of her eye. It drove past her slowly, acting weird. She had heard the wheels squeal and turned to look. It was that van pulling out from the light. It suddenly slowed down,

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