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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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Devil at this point to get an inch of headway against the stubborn diva. “How did you get this scar?” she asked suddenly. It was a convenient excuse to get her mind off her problems.
    “When I was a young warrior, my sire taught me the necessity of keeping my eye on my opponent.”
    “Your father did this to you?” She couldn't help sounding appalled. She was. How could his father inflict that much damage on him? Levering herself up on her elbow, she took in the scar. It went from his shoulder to his sternum. Even she could see the wound hadn't been deep. It was the principle of it all.
    “Aye, 'twas either that or watch me die in battle.”
    “Oh,” she said because she couldn't think of a response. “Was he a tough man?”
    “Nay more than most other sires, I suspect. We live in a harsh land. 'Tis either die by the sword or die of old age.”
    Picking up on how he said 'of old age', she honed in on how his tone changed. “Is there something wrong with passing away an old man?” Mentally kicking herself for not knowing how to pronounce half the words she spoke, she'd taken a shot at the pronunciation and come up flat. Damn this language . “You don't want to die of old age?”
    That was it—nay? The man was an idiot. Great. I'm married to a man who would prefer to be run through by a sword than watch his children grow up . The thought slapped her. Children? Shoving the stupid concern aside, she laid back down. “Why?”
    “On the morrow, I'll show you.”
    “In other words, shut up and go to sleep.”
    She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but for the life of her, she couldn't manage to get comfortable. Problem number one was easy to figure out; she wasn't used to sleeping on her side. Problem number two was just as simple, she was waiting for Lila's next attempt to escape her bedroom, and sneak downstairs for a drink. Problem number three, she'd become used to sleeping with Mary in the room. Problem number four, the despondent expression she got every time Charlzie was allowed to visit the Keep.
    “What has you digging your nails into my flesh, lass?”
    Lost in her concerns, she hadn't the foggiest what he was talking about until she lifted her head. Even beneath his massive hand covering hers she could see her fingers clenching his skin. She opened her mouth to convey her apology when he pulled her up so they were face to face.
    He cupped her skull in his hand, his fingers tangling in her hair, when he kissed her.
    She was happy for the new distraction. Her lips moved over his, reveling in the feel of his mouth. It was soft yet firm and undeniably sensual.
    A crash from the balcony broke the spell. “Oh God, here we go again,” she muttered. Throwing back the covers, she glared at Iaen when he refused to release her. “I have to stop Lila.”
    “Because I do.”
    “Lass, let her be. You cannae change her.” He brushed his fingers through her hair. “She needs to want to change.”
    “I can't let her go get drunk.”
    “Is that her decision?”
    “Well, of course it is, but you don't know how she can be when she's drunk. She'll...she'll.” Blast this damn language . “She'll cause trouble.”
    “A woman? You jest.”
    “No, I don't jest, or joke, or make idle predictions. Lila can be a real troublemaker when she wants to be, and take that as always when she's sauced.” She purposefully enunciated the word 'always' to get him to follow her meaning.
    A scream echoed through the room.
    Before Jenny even made it to the edge of the mattress, Iaen was striding across the room. “What are you doing?” She wasn't really asking about the 'what' but about his bare ass standing before the door. He was crazy to go around with his butt and jewels on display. “Shouldn't you put some clothes on?”
    He chuckled at her and opened the door just far enough to address Malcolm who was standing sentry. She listened to him say something to his subordinate. “I'm going to die of fright if you don't tell me what you said.”
    “I said,” he began after the door shut and the bolt was slid home. “I ordered Malcolm to lock her in her room.”
    “It won't stop her. She'll just make a bigger racket. Believe me, I've tried it already.”
    “Fine, then she will drown out the sounds of me bringing you satisfaction.”
    “What the hell are you doing? There are children trying to get some sleep in the far bedroom.” She backtracked her way across the bed when he
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