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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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children in harm's way if I could have prevented it.” And in harm's way they could possibly be , Iaen thought when another clang echoed through the Great Hall.
    “Aye, milord,” the cook responded. The two women dashed down the balcony. Malcolm followed a few paces behind them.
    “Father Thomas, you are with me.”
    “She's throwing her water pitcher about, milord,” the priest confided. “'Tis the only weapon she has aside from the tin cup milady has allowed her to use. Her supper tray was removed hours ago.”
    “Thank God for small favors.”
    “You think this wise? She's harboring a demon. A vile child born in the pits of Hell. I swear she is.”
    “Are you saying she's possessed?” Iaen forced his hand to remain at his side instead of signing the cross. Even he couldnae shake the fear of being in the presence of the possessed. This was a new fly in the ointment. Possession ! 'Twould the devil enter his home? Aye. By any easy path or means available to him would he infiltrate Kincaid and with glee in his red eyes, too.
    “'Tis likely, milord,” Father Thomas admitted as Iaen turned the key in the lock. “I have petitioned Edinburgh for the right to excise her demons, but have not received a response. I could attempt the rites without approval, but I have nay experience to call upon. She is the first I've met who carries an evil spirit. 'Tis sad that I didnae conclude the truth afore she was well established in this chamber.” A scowl creased Father Thomas' brow.
    “You think the demon has taken up residence in the Keep?”
    “Nay. The demon doesnae wish to give up the body it inhabits.”
    “I am placing her in one of the village's empty cottages.” Iaen's hand stilled from turning the iron ring. His limited options mocked him. 'Struth, there was only one way to free Lila. Exorcism. “There, you must release the demon from her.”
    “'Twould be best if you took her as far away from the clan as possible. The demon may find another soul if not captured or sent back to its creator.” Father Thomas nodded. “I will try my best, milord, but I will need help. Men to hold her down and 'twould be best if a seminarian joined me during the undertaking. This is a very powerful demon, milord. The task ahead is daunting, exhausting.”
    “There are a few hovels on the riverbank which are inhabitable.” He slowly turned the ring gripped in his hand. “Call upon whoever you need. If I have to, I will fetch a priest from the monastery myself.” 'Twas a long ride, but well worth it. He couldnae have a demon roaming the countryside.
    “My thanks, milord.”
    He refused to think of the clan's reactions to the news. Gossip, the likes that couldnae be halted with a glare or muttered word became his focus. Would the clan consider Charlzie or Jenny possessed simply for no better reason than they had appeared at the same time? The sickening answer was, ‘aye, they would’.
    He ripped his cognizant thoughts away from his hideous musings. There was but a simple truth. The exorcism would have to occur quietly if at all possible and as far away from the main body of the clan as he could find. “Let us be at it then.”
    “Milord, you do understand what must be done if the demon refuses to leave her. I cannae change the Holy Canon.”
    Iaen imagined his clan working in a frenzy to plant a caber in the ice-hardened ground and bundling up kindling to burn the woman. A bitter taste filled his mouth. Never afore had there been a witch’s bed on Kincaid land. He was loathe to have his acceptance of the practice planting a seed in his clan's minds. He'd not have them take to burning aught or many because of fear. 'Twas not acceptable to his way of thinking, but he couldnae put the clan at risk either. The demon, if there was one, needed to leave this place. “Aye.” He swallowed hard, hating the idea of sentencing a woman to death by fire if the rites didn't work or if he couldnae explain away her irritating behavior. If the clan was convinced beyond sane measure that Lila harbored an unholy soul, there would be hell to pay. A chill stiffened Iaen's spine. His main concern centered on the woman lying in his bed. Guilty by association. Over my rotting corpse . He mused as he entered the pitch black chamber. “I understand.”
    He dodged the pitcher thrown at his head.
    Peering into the darkness, Iaen made out a sight that froze the blood in his veins. A repulsive smell reeked from the woman sitting on the mat,
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