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The Highlander's Time

The Highlander's Time

Titel: The Highlander's Time
Autoren: Belladonna Bordeaux
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smiling at him. Lila, who had never been beautiful in his opinion, looked as if she'd suffered through five gales and never cleansed herself afterward. Dressed in a homespun gown, she needed to gain a stone to survive the tough Highland winter. The food. Aye. That was the smell. She had thrown it out the window but hadn't thought of the wind splattering it across the tower's exterior wall. “Father, do not enter.”
    He frowned at the scene illuminated by the light filtering in from the torch-lit balcony. Across the walls and over the floor, she'd scribbled words and pictures he didnae understand. “You should take better care of yourself, Lila,” he taunted, tempting her anger to make her unpredictable, reckless. He listened to Father Thomas translate his statement into a new, oblique language.
    He waited for Thomas to relate her caustic reply. “Yeah. Right. Like you know the first thing about me.”
    Iaen threw a glance over his shoulder to see Father Thomas standing in the doorway. He listened to his next translation which made not a lick of sense. It appeared not only had his wife put her mind to adapting to their way but Father Thomas had familiarized himself with the woman's native language. “What would you tell me about yourself?”
    She didn't even wait for Thomas to finish telling her what Iaen had said.
    “Are you stupid? You don't know who I am?” She pushed herself up. Craning her head back as far as she could, she peered down her nose at him. He might not understand every word she said, Father Thomas' translation sketchy at best, but he saw rebellion brewing in her obstinate expression. “I own the world. It's my oyster, my cup of tea, and my domain. I'm just playing along with you until my father comes for me. He will.” She paused, her chest heaving with frustration or anxiety. “You can tell that little bitch in the next room that I'm not buying her delusion. I know this isn't anything more than a stupid publicity stunt.”
    Having heard the words Thomas repeated and not understanding half of them, Iaen knew it was time to end this game. “Really?” He walked up to her and prepared himself for a fight.
    “Yeah.” Lila spat on him. “So you can tell her to knock it off and call me a cab. But she better understand this now, she'll never work in LA when I get done with her. No fucking way will I give her a reference. Everybody knows I'm one mean bitch when I want to be. Right now, I'm going to get my way.”
    She didn't put up a fight. Nay, she left with him under her own power. Iaen caught her when she flinched back from the too bright lights.
    “I want my daddy to know I hate him, too. He's a sick son of a bitch, and I'll never forgive him. Fuck, I'll sue him for emotional abuse and kidnapping once I'm freed.”
    “Milord, she doesn't believe she's in the past.”
    'Twasn't afore that moment that Iaen really believed The Veil existed. “Tell her, I'm going to take her to her sire. After she's reunited with him, I could care less what happens to her.”
    Father Thomas nodded and he relayed the information. “She isnae going to believe you, milord.”
    “That is not the issue. Donnae, under aught circumstances, have milady enter that room until it is thoroughly cleansed of Lila's evil.”
    “You wish me to cleanse the room, milord?”
    “Aye. It reeks of Hell.” 'Twas a way of keeping the clan out of the room, too. He'd use their superstition against them. He'd put Elspeth and Patricia to the task once he returned.
    “Ah,” Father Thomas toned. “'Twill be done as soon as it is scrubbed from ceiling to floor. I'll have to pick the right evergreen to burn as incense.”
    “That's my intention, Father. I want no reminder of Lila living within these walls to remain.”
    “Hey, look, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Oh So Handsome, I know you hooked up with Jenny, but that's water under the bridge. I can give you one of the best blow jobs you ever got. I even go anal.”
    Escorting her down the stairs, Iaen didnae know what she said and didnae care. Father Thomas walked a few paces sounding as if he couldnae make hide or hair of her meaning. “Thank you, Miss Lila.”
    “You want to try me out? Take me on? I'll tell you this, I'm better than the current chief slut and cock sucker. Give me a whirl. I'm good.” She ran a finger across his collar bone then headed her touch south, pinching his nipple between her thumb and forefinger. “I'll try anything once—or in my case, open my eyes to
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