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The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

Titel: The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow
Autoren: Alison Cronin
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filled with the scent of her, the gentle touch of the sun was Amy’s strong fingers resting on her shoulders. Her eyes snapped open and she spun round, searching the room behind her. Amy wasn’t there of course, not in person anyway, but Meli knew she was there in spirit, touching her in some ethereal way. Telling her that she was fine, happy in whatever place followed on from the death of a good person, that Meli must stop fretting, consumed by her embittered hatred for the unknown assailant.
    Tears sprouted and formed a chain of pearly glass beads as they rolled down her cheeks, but they weren ’t the gut retching, tortured tears of earlier. These were born of comfort and a sense of liberation from herself imposed penance, her guilt that she had benefited from Amy’s death. She had to let go of all her enmity and negative feelings, before they stripped her of everything that she should be holding precious: her family, her new life, future opportunities. It was all so clear.
    How many times had Cal tried to say all these things to her? And however kindly and tactfully he ’d broached them, she had glared at him as though he was the devil himself, tempting her to betray Amy’s memory by forgiving the bastard - may he rot in hell for all eternity - for what he’d done; for daring to suggest that Meli should get on with her life. Poor Cal, a week ago he’d suggested that they went out for a meal tonight to celebrate her birthday, but she’d almost taken his head off with her snapped retort, like a crocodile with a compacted wisdom tooth. Wiping away her tears, she leaped from the room and raced down the staircase. Without any hesitation, she snatched up the phone and dialled the travel agency where Cal was the manager. It wasn’t too late to change her mind.
    “ Hi Cal,” she greeted when she was put through, her voice a little breathless from her haste in getting to the phone.
    “ Is everything okay?” She heard the concerned edge to his voice.
    “ Everything’s fine,” she replied lightly. “I was just ringing to say I’ve changed my mind, and if the offer of dinner tonight is still on, I’d love to go.”
    “ Of course it’s still on offer.” She could hear his puzzlement across the distance, almost as if he wasn’t totally sure he was hearing her correctly, or that this was some kind of test. There was a slight pause as though he half expected her fingers to emerge from the mouthpiece his end, and grab him by the throat if he’d given her the wrong answer. When nothing untoward happened, he added. “I’m really pleased you’ve changed your mind. Where would you like to go?”
    “ The Smugglers Arms would be fine, then we can both drink.” The pub was only five minutes walk away and was their local. No, she corrected herself, it was Cal’s local, as he gravitated to the bar most evenings, even if only for one pint. She had only crossed the threshold on three or four occasions, when she’d been co-erced into accompanying him. She shot down the alarming image of Dick Swindon whispering furiously in the twitching ears of the po-faced bar props, and the sight of their sniggering faces as they gawked at her.
    “ Sounds good to me. See you later.”
    Replacing the receiver, Meli felt like she was walking on a pair of sponge-soled silver slippers. The constant tightness across her forehead, similar to having her head compressed in a hundred extra-thick elastic bands, had miraculously gone. Rushing to the mirror, she gaped at her expression, amazed to discover that the customary furrows, that looked like she had indeed been wearing a hundred extra-thick elastic bands around her forehead, had vanished. Finding the courage to finally lay her ghosts to rest, to put the past behind her and focus on the future, had the effect of giving her an instant forehead lift, and it hadn ’t cost a penny. It was amazing.

Chapter 4

    At 2.50 p.m., Meli slipped on her trainers and scooped up her keys, preparing to collect the twins from school. Cassie was getting a lift home later with a friend. Opening the door she jumped backwards, startled when a large white object accelerated towards her face and stopped one centimetre from where the tip of her nose had been. Uncrossing her eyes, they focused on the envelop that belonged to a stubby arm, which in turn belonged to Elsa, who was so close that she must have been standing with her face pressed to the door. How long had she been there?
    “ Oh, you gave me
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