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The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow

Titel: The Mysteries of Brambly Hollow Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Alison Cronin
Vom Netzwerk:
from here, in the village,” she dismissed him with a flippant wave of her hand. “You know, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Elsa hadn’t deliberately raised Quassi to understand German, just so she could do to someone like what she’s done to you,” she was obviously finding the whole thing hilarious, her usually sleepy eyes bright as pearls. “She’s probably been having a ball at your expense, watching you try to control him, teach him obedience.” Her hooting laugh drew looks from every soul in the bar. Even the barflys, sitting in their usual places under the window, or pressed into the benches along the walls, with their halves of bitter and whisky chasers, lifted their faces from the tables to glare at her.
    Meli wasn’t finding any of this even remotely amusing, a fact she suspected was clearly indicated on her face when Cal suggested they leave, before they’d even finished their drinks. In truth, Meli found Barbara about as much fun tonight as having an elephant stand on your foot while crapping on your head. Barbara was displaying a complete lack of understanding about having to live under Elsa’s threatening wing, even though she knew all about the rifle, SS being blasted to Kingdom Come, the cars, the cows, everything.
    Meli’s mood accompanied her all the way home, and even the fine drizzle that drifted slowly through the air, forming a second skin over her body, did nothing to cool her heated brow. When Cal made some innocent comment about why hadn’t she hosed down the drive when he almost slipped up, where the combination of dung and damp had formed a thin slimy layer underfoot, Cal became the match that lit Meli’s fuse. They had a stand up argument outside the front door, each coming up with several excellent and justified reasons why they shouldn’t be the one to take responsibility for this abhorrent task. They still weren’t speaking when they slipped into bed.

Chapter 17

    “ Mum.” It was George who put his head around the door. Glancing down at her watch, Meli saw that it was nearly eleven. Where had the last four hours gone? Pulling back her shoulders she eased the taut muscles, hearing a number of joints crack.
    “What is it?” she asked, flicking him a distracted smile from where she was kneeling on the floor, the first mask pressed between her knees as she worked her chisel over the soft wood, carefully negotiating the contours which would become a nose.
    “I can’t find my walkman.”
    “Well it must be somewhere. When did you see it last?” Returning her gaze to the half formed face, Meli gently plucked a splinter from one of the bulging eyes.
    He gave a little shrug. “Don’t know.”
    “Well, where have you looked?”
    “Everywhere.” The desperation inflicted into the one word was enough to draw Meli’s attention again. If she knew her son, and she knew she did, he would probably only have looked as far as the shelf above his bed.
    “Well, go and have another good look - all around your room this time, and if you really can’t find it come and let me know.” Balancing the chisel lightly between her fingers, she watched as George and his rounded shoulders sauntered away. “And ask David to help too,” she called after him.
    Minutes later, through the twins bedroom window, she heard raised voices. Moving to the door she listened. As if sensing that she was eavesdropping the boys fell silent. Deciding that she needed to go to the loo anyway, she went indoors and making her way to the bathroom, she stopped off at their bedroom.
    “Everything okay?” she asked, peering around the door. Two pairs of eyes popped from their sockets as they darted towards her. The word ‘guilty’ was written in huge red letters across their startled faces; although what were they guilty of? Apart from the room looking a bit more topsy-turvy than usual, there was nothing particularly unusual that she could spy. “Did you find your walkman?”George cast a stony glare in his brothers direction, before turning back to her.
    “No, not yet, Dave the Grave is still helping me look for it.” The boys still insisted on calling each other by those horrible names. Tim Meaker had a lot to answer for.
    “Okay then, just make sure you tidy up when you’ve finished.” Meli suspected that David had hidden it in repayment for some prank George had played on him. Happened all the time. With a final sweeping inspection of the room, Meli left them to it.
    “Do you want a cup of

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