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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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for well over a year. And yet, there was no part of me that wanted him back. The revulsion was too strong -- Jack was part of the Adversary and there would never be a way I’d willingly let him touch me again.
    But even so, I thought I should be feeling more bereft. But I wasn’t. Some of this had to do with Susan the day dispatcher. It had been clear she and Jack were an active item. Even if he hadn’t been a part of the Adversary, I’d want to rip his parts off for the infidelity.
    The sex had been great, but the memory of what he’d tried to do right before Ralph had arrived was a total turn off. Playing was one thing -- but Jack hadn’t been playing. He’d been, as I thought about it, just like I’d read my real fathers had been.
    My whole body shuddered. I’d fallen in love with Jack’s exterior and now that I’d been exposed to the interior I was done, turned off like a light switch. It had never happened before, but if there was ever a time to recover fast from a bad relationship, now was it.
    I considered whether part of my speedy emotional recovery was because Ralph was here and I was finally willing to look at him as an option, should he pull through. Possibly. But why was I open to Ralph now? Just because he’d been incredibly heroic and brave and had saved me from the most horrifying experience of my unlife? Well, those were pretty good reasons to be impressed, as I thought about it.
    Ralph was a dork, yes, but he was a brave, loyal dork. And regardless of what he’d look like as a human -- should I ever find out -- that had to beat handsome, manly, evil hot guy. At least if a weregirl wanted a mate she could count on. Should said potential dorky mate pull through, of course.
    My heart was hurting again, but I realized it was because I was afraid Ralph might dust and then I’d never get the chance to see how short I’d sold him for all these years. I tried not to think about all the times I’d let the exasperation with his loving, loyal interest show in my expression or voice.
    Sadly, my personal electronic scroll ensured all of them played merrily through my mind. I’d been a bitch, and not in the canine sense, and if Ralph woke up and never wanted to speak to me again, he had more than every right.
    But what was I going to do or say if he woke up the same Ralph who I’d known for centuries?
    “You know, if you make it through, I’d probably be open to a date. Maybe even going steady. You know, if you can even look at me after all of this.”
    He didn’t wake up or even twitch. So, the sounds of a loved one’s voice idea either was a crock or I wasn’t in the loved ones category any more. I gave it even odds for either option.
    I heaved a heavy canine sigh and settled in to watch Ralph be unconscious. My love life -- truly, was there a better one in all the planes of existence?

Chapter 61
    A loud beeping jarred me awake. I hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep -- I’d been so out I hadn’t dreamed.
    I looked around. The monitors and machines were going crazy. Ralph was still breathing, so I controlled the impulse to do CPR. But I had no idea of what to do.
    I ran for the door just as a passel of medical personnel raced into the room. The door managed to miss slamming into my face, but only because I had great reflexes. We did the “this way, no that way” dance a bit, which would have made me laugh under different circumstances. Right now, though, any time I was moving and the staff were moving with me was time they weren’t getting to Ralph.
    I gave up and leaped over his bed and back to my chair. Sometimes that gets a whistle of admiration or round of applause. Today it got me a nod of relief.
    The doctors and nurses swarmed over Ralph to the point I was shoved into the far corner of the room. Nurse Nancy bustled in shortly after and motioned to me. I went to her reluctantly.
    She took my arm and led me out to the hall. “They need you out of the room, dear.”
    “But, I want to know what’s going on.” It didn’t come out as a whine, but it was a near thing.
    Nurse Nancy shook her head. “Come along.” She led me to the waiting room she’d described. It was rather cozy, all things considered, with a variety of chairs and couches, as well as the pillows and blankets as advertised. “You wait here, dear. We’ll send someone for you once the doctors are through.”
    “Ralph’s going to be okay, right?”
    She gave me a small smile. “I’m sure.”

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