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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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great because it was exceedingly rare when they made you feel guilty. Usually they just made you feel needed and appreciated.
    “So, Jack had us pretty well infiltrated,” Monty said, back to all business. “But it brings up a good point -- how do we know we don’t have more double-agents among us?”
    I groaned. “I can’t handle it. Maybe we do. I think I don’t care. I can’t spend all my time trying to discover which unlifelong friend of mine is really working for the Prince. Unlife’s too short, okay?”
    Monty shook his head. “Maybe, but we want to extend it as long as possible.” He sighed. “I’ll work on it. You just take care of the here and now.”
    “You were suspect number one, if that helps with your search.”
    He looked startled, to the point where I thought an arm might fall off, but then he laughed. “You know, that makes sense.”
    “You saying we should dust you?” Maurice asked.
    “No. But it’s the right kind of thinking. Position of authority, person you’d least suspect, and all that.”
    “Ah, that was Jack, and I least suspected us right into almost losing the War.” Something Jack had asked occurred to me. “You know, for sure the Prince’s side suspect we have double-agents.”
    “How so?” Monty shrugged. “I mean, it makes sense, especially since they had an active double-agent within our midst. So, really, why wouldn’t they suspect?”
    “Why haven’t we suspected? Maybe because the agents, whomever they are, are so good. I mean, Jack was excellent. If he hadn’t lost it tonight, werewolf-wise, I might never have guessed until it was too late.” That it was almost too late for Ralph I did my best to ignore for right now.
    Monty looked off into space. “Why do you think they’re searching for an agent? If that’s what you mean.”
    “It is. And it’s from the questions Jack asked me. He was trying to figure out if our spies were placed like we were. You know, were the spies equal to your rank, the Count’s rank, and so on.”
    Monty and Ken exchanged worried looks. Maurice and Amanda looked blank. “Why would rank matter?” Amanda asked.
    “They’re trying to determine how deep our mole might be,” Monty said.
    “Or moles. Jack sure seemed to think we had plenty.”
    “Which could mean they do, too, or could simply mean they aren’t sure about us,” Ken said. “But, Vic, you said something just now -- Jack lost it? How do you mean?”
    “He acted unlike any werewolf I’ve ever known after transition.”
    “The walking thing?”
    “Yeah, but more than that. He was acting…you know, like someone who didn’t know how werewolves really were might act.”
    “Like he’d seen a lot of bad movies?” Amanda asked.
    “Yeah, exactly.” I considered this. “Which makes no sense, because they have turned werewolves on the Prince’s side. All he’d need to do was ask them what their transitions had been like and how to act.”
    “So either he did that, and ignored it, or he didn’t.” Now it was Ken’s turn to stare off into space. “Speaking as a cop, and not a jilted lover, how smart is Jack?”
    “Speaking as myself, who, all things being equal, just did the jilting, smart. He’s a good cop. One of the best, many times the best. Oh, damn. I have to call the Chief. He has no idea, and that means Jack could be doing Gods and Monsters knows what to the Prosaic City P.D.”
    Maurice cleared his throat. “The Count may have been down, but he was hardly out. Your human police chief’s been warned. He was quite angry -- with Mister Yummy, not you, by the way.”
    “Well, that’s something.” Another thought occurred. I was so proud. “Susan.”
    “What?” Monty was apparently asking for everyone.
    “Susan, the day dispatcher. Jack was sleeping with her. And if my family’s history is any indication --”
    “He’s gone off to grab Bride Number Two,” Amanda finished for me. “I don’t want you to go,” she added quickly. “You need to regroup. Maurice and I will take a full squad and see if we can track her down before Jack does.”
    “Call him the Adversary,” Ken said.
    “No.” I put my hand on his arm. “You really are the best guy anyone could be exes with. But, no. Call him Jack. I need to fight Jack, not the Adversary.”
    “You sure?” Ken asked. “Because that seems so…harsh.”
    “But it’s reality. My reality’s always been harsh.” I had to remind myself, Ken was the Undead Ideal, but he was

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