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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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clicked to All-Band. “Guys and gals of the Night Beat, this is Detective Wolfe. We’re all about to go hunting very bad things. I’d like you all to remember why you’re on this particular shift in this particular town. I’d also like to remind you that what we do tonight will affect everyone we know and care about.”
    I took a deep breath and continued. “So, let’s win one for the home team and all that jazz. Sure, most won’t appreciate it and they’ll whine about our destroying a little property or shooting some very bad things dead without reading them the shortest version of their rights. But in the long run, we don’t do this for the congratulations or the adulation -- thankfully, right? No, we do it because we’re cops. So, let’s go do what we do best -- protect and serve…and kick bad guy butt.” I hung up and went to the S-Class.
    The Johnsons were in the backseat with Ralph in between them. Benny had shotgun. He gave me a weak look. “We drew lots. I lost.”
    “Good grief! I do not drive that badly!”
    “You have my harness on, right?” Ralph asked Helen.
    “Yes. We have a big dog and this keeps him nice and safe.” She patted his head, then yanked her hand back. “Sorry.”
    “I’ll let it slide.” Ralph looked at Johnson. “Seriously, buckle up. You’ll be happy for it in about thirty seconds. You might want to close your eyes, too.”
    “How are the…angels protecting Mister Bennett if they aren’t in the car with us?” Johnson asked as he put his seat belt on.
    “They fly overhead, and we’re all being watched over. Routine.”
    “I think that means they can save us before the car crash,” Benny said.
    “Ha ha, I am so not amused.” I checked to make sure everyone else was ready to roll. “Which car are Freddy and Sexy Cindy in?”
    “They went with Bobby’s wife and kids. Since they know them. I think most of the alleyway relations are in that car. She’s got a huge, extra-long Suburban, so they all fit as near as I could tell.”
    “Always nice to be with folks you’re comfortable with during a high-speed chase. I hope someone’s kicked Cindy’s ex in the balls, though.” I revved up the S-Class and ensured we squealed out of the parking lot. Hearing Johnson’s gasp of horror was worth it. Not that he seemed a bad guy, even without Benny’s endorsement. He was just a little on the stuffed shirt side for me.
    We barreled down and out of the Estates, the other cars keeping up nicely. Hit the street and were joined by our police escort. There were a lot of cars on Night Beat. Night shifts were always more active in any city, and in Prosaic City it paid to have a car every half-mile. And they were all here.
    They’d taken the wise precaution of clearing the fastest path to what was fast becoming my least favorite block in the entire city. Lights were flashing, but no sirens were going, which was a relief. Police sirens are hard on werewolf ears, and a whole fleet of them blaring creates the kind of pain that makes you dust yourself to get away from it.
    “Do you have a plan, beyond running the major minions over with our mighty cars?” Ralph asked.
    “I seriously liked you better all mopey and mooning. Yes, I have a plan.” Sort of.
    “Would you like to share said plan?” Johnson asked as we hit a bump and sailed through the air.
    “Nice shocks on this baby. And, Johnson, you I’ve never liked, so really, button it unless you have something helpful to add.”
    “This is just like those movies with the chase scenes,” Benny offered as we skidded around some corners. “Only we’re inside the car. I think it’s better if you’re in the movie theater.”
    “You know, I could have left you huddling in your house, surrounded by the Servants of Evil. But no, I rescued you.” Another bump, another flight, another reasonably comfortable landing.
    “True. I didn’t really have time to think it through, of course.”
    “You and the rest of us, Benny.”
    Helen cleared her throat. “Um, are you going to share your plan, Detective Wolfe?”
    “Victoria. Or whatever nickname, and so forth. We’re about to face the Big Evil Ones, you can feel free to be informal.” I felt the rest of the car’s occupants waiting. “I want to keep this car for future Necropolis Enforcement and Prosaic City P.D. undercover work.”
    “That’s your plan?” Ralph barked.
    “If you’d let me and Helen out here, and Mister Bennett as well, without crashing the

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