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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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Vom Netzwerk:
-- we were all working a case of epic ramifications together, so they were watching over our entire team. As powerful as they were, it should be enough to keep the four of us from being sucked into the convergence hole I could see under the asphalt.
    I walked into the Salvation Center. No jangling bell, which was a relief. Compared to the other two establishments we’d just been in, it was small. And dowdy. Dull, quiet, hushed, really -- almost like a library without too many books.
    We looked around. Not a lot of activity, and no sign of any being. I sniffed. There was something vaguely familiar about the scent in here, but it was faint.
    I felt rather than heard the step behind me. I spun to see someone I knew very well standing there. As I stared at him, it occurred to me that no one had mentioned this block to me, or the convergence chasm, or anything else about this area, because they were hoping I would never have to come here.
    He smiled, a crooked smile that I hated myself for still finding attractive. “Hello, Victoria. It’s been a long time.”
    “Love the name of the place,” was all I could come up with that wasn’t going to sound stupid, pathetic, lovelorn or bitter.
    “It’s appropriate. You’d be amazed, despite the location, we actually get a lot of foot traffic.”
    “I’ll bet.”
    The others clustered around me. “Who’s this?” The way Jack asked, I figured my expression was telling him not necessarily who but definitely what was standing in front of us.
    “You can call me Jude.” He put his hand out.
    Unlike with Cotton, Jack took it. “So, how long ago did you two break up?” Yeah, he was a good cop.
    Jude’s smile went a little wider. “Oh, a long time ago.” He let go of Jack’s hand and shook Freddy’s and Sexy Cindy’s. “Nice to meet you all.”
    “We haven’t been introduced,” Jack almost growled.
    Sexy Cindy coughed. “Dude’s an angel. Think he’s already done that whole fast read of the mind thing.”
    Jude nodded. “You’re very bright. I’d always hoped you’d come in here…while you were alive, I mean. I’m certain you’ll make an excellent undead, both of you,” he added with another nod for Freddy.
    “You dated an angel?” Jack muttered at me.
    “Long story.” Very long. Did not want to go into it here, either. “Jude, you’re guarding the convergence point?”
    “Yes. And yes, you’re right. They didn’t tell you because you were doing so well, they didn’t want me to mess you up in any way.”
    “Stop doing the mind reading thing.”
    He shrugged. “I can’t. Rules. Whoever’s guarding has to be reading at all times. It’s too dangerous otherwise.”
    He was right and I knew it. It didn’t make it any easier to deal with.
    Jude gave Jack a friendly smile. “You really don’t need to be jealous. I still love her, but we haven’t been an item for more than three of your lifetimes. Oh,” he added with a grin, “you don’t have to be jealous of Ken, either. They’re more done than she and I are.”
    “You’re not helping,” I hissed.
    Jude grinned. “Nice to see no one’s taught you to sit or stay.” I wanted to lunge at him, but a part of me asked if I wanted to so lunge to touch him again. I held myself in check. His smile widened. “Proud of you. Your self-restraint is much improved.”
    “Thanks, I think. What’s going on?”
    “As far as I know, exactly what you think. There’s a powerful witch or warlock involved, maybe more than one, because I didn’t feel any arrivals of the magnitude we’re talking about, and I have to assume Cotton didn’t, either, or he’d have alerted all of Necropolis Enforcement.”
    Sexy Cindy was staring at Jude thoughtfully. “You know…you look familiar. I don’t know why…you ever been one of my johns?”
    “Hardly,” Jude replied with a chuckle. “There aren’t a lot of pictures of me around, so maybe I just look like someone else you know.” He looked back at me. “I’m sure the convergence point helped. It might be why they did this now.”
    “Cotton said it’s been here as long as he’s run Killjoy’s, and that’s been a lot longer than this plan’s been active, at least on these planes.”
    “True. I’ve been here longer than you’ve been on undercover duty.”
    “Nice of you or anyone else to mention it.”
    He shook his head. “Wasn’t relevant. Still isn’t, really. The overlap between our assignments is the only reason you’re here. And

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