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The Night Beat

The Night Beat

Titel: The Night Beat Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
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Vom Netzwerk:
did seem to have the whole customer service thing down.
    Jack took the bag, we said our goodbyes, and left. The jangling bell was just as cheerful the first time and just as annoying by time four as when we’d entered. I wondered if Cotton liked it or if it drove him crazy, too. Decided I didn’t care.
    “Salvation Center next?” Jack asked.
    “Yeah. But first, I need to tell you guys what a convergence point is, and explain why being on, in or around one can be bad.”

Chapter 33
    The three of them gaped at me. “A what?” Sexy Cindy asked.
    “A convergence point. They tend to be small, usually about the size of a quarter. They’re points where time and space and the various planes of existence all meet.”
    “Are they rare?” Jack looked around. “And can humans see them?”
    “Not so much and generally no. Being as small as they normally are, most beings won’t spend a lot of time around them. Since they’re also part of the space-time continuum, they tend to shift. So, just because there was a convergence point on, say, Sixth and Main last year, it doesn’t mean it’s still there this year.”
    “Okay, so what’s the big deal?” Sexy Cindy sounded bored.
    “Well, if a being stays on a convergence point too long, then it can affect them -- psychologically and emotionally, as well as physically. A lot of missing humans locked onto a convergence point at the wrong time and were shifted to another plane of existence. Some make it back, some don’t.”
    “Are the ones who make it back those who insist they were abducted by aliens?” Freddy asked thoughtfully.
    “Frequently, yeah.”
    “Huh. Figures, I suppose.” He shook his head. “So, is there a convergence point around here?”
    “No.” They all looked relieved and like they thought I was a weirdo for making a fuss. “There’s what I’d call a convergence chasm here.” I pointed to the street as they all went from relieved to worried, fast. “Freddy and Cindy, you two may be able to make it out. Jack, don’t even bother to try. Convergence points glow golden -- when people are dying and think they’re going into the light, there’s a convergence point in or on them somewhere.”
    “But a lot of those people come back,” Jack protested.
    “Yes. Because they were being moved to a positive plane of existence, usually the angels’ realm, and the beings there helped send them home. Anyway, metaphysics and such later.”
    “That’s not metaphysics --” Freddy started.
    “Not for humans, no. For us? Yes, it is. You can discuss it with H.P. and Edgar, okay? Right now, we’re standing on what looks to me like the biggest convergence point ever. Cotton said it appeared just before he took over Killjoy’s. From what he said about the former owner, he was a human who could see into the planes, meaning he was going crazy.”
    “Crazy Ed, yeah,” Sexy Cindy offered. “I liked him a lot better than Cotton.”
    “Shocking. Anyway, from what Cotton insinuated, someone suggested he take over this pawnshop. He thinks his presence is guarding, so to speak.”
    “Is it?” Jack asked.
    “I doubt it. Cotton’s not a really powerful undead, most ghosts aren’t.”
    “Ishtrallum’s not guarding anything,” Jack snarled.
    “No, in fact, I’d assume he’s doing better being on a convergence point of this size. They’re attractive, in their way, even if you don’t get shifted by one. But the issue is -- no one at Enforcement Headquarters has mentioned this to me. Cotton thought they’d figured I’d find it -- but no one, not even the Count, has that much patience. They didn’t tell me about it, even though it’s in the heart of my Night Beat jurisdiction, because they didn’t think I needed to worry about it. So…someone’s actually doing the guarding, and whoever it is, they’re a being of high aptitude and trust, or they wouldn’t be here.” I looked at the Salvation Center. “So, let’s go find out who that is, shall we?”
    “We in danger, being on the convergence chasm and all?” Sexy Cindy was heading back towards sarcastic.
    “Yes. But we’re somewhat protected.”
    “How?” All three of them asked that as one.
    I shrugged. “Martin and Black Angel Two are watching over us.”
    Angels did really watch over beings they considered in their care. The more powerful the angel, the more likely they could keep their particular charges out of danger. I knew how Martin and Black Angels One and Two operated

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