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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
an answer.
    Cody reached for his phone. “I’ll call Annette. She’ll know who to contact.” Before he could dial her number, she called him to tell him the same news. They spoke while Kasey lugged out her laptop and brought up the internet to search for the article.
    It was easy to find. It splashed the front page of their website.
    Unfortunately, the angle of the photo used on the cover of The Insider made Cody and Kasey appear a bit snuggly. It was just the other night. Cody had been shielding her from a heavy crowd of screaming women as they ran to the limo after the show in New York.
    She twisted the laptop screen toward Cody who was still talking to Annette.
    He winced.
    The article was pure smear—anything to hike sales. Cody’s reputation made profitable news, only this time she was caught right in the middle. She called Von to warn him and see if he could help insure it wouldn’t hinder the investigation.
    Annette ran damage control, and Von tried to keep the investigation from getting sucked into the mayhem. At noon, the Southampton County Sheriff was scheduled to make a statement to the press on Kasey’s behalf. She was thankful for their willingness to publicly support her and dispel the nasty rumors. The focus could then return to their quest to find Jake.
    The morning was supposed to have been leisurely, but they’d spent just about the whole time doing damage control until the driver came and whisked them away to the airport to head to the next city.
    On the plane, Kasey second-guessed joining the tour and every move she’d made.
    Once they were in flight Cody stepped behind her seat and rubbed her shoulders. “Don’t worry. The crisis will blow over before we land in Connecticut. If it doesn’t, I’ll clear the air in the next interviews. Annette is a miracle worker when it comes to stuff like this.”
    “I’m so sorry. If I’d just taken the bus with the guys, this wouldn’t have happened.” Kasey put her laptop aside.
    “Don’t be silly. Besides, I like having you with me.” He squeezed her shoulders, then came around and sat next to her. “You’re a special lady.”
    “I think you’re pretty special, too,” she said. “I don’t know what I did to deserve such a great friend, but I sure am thankful for you.”
    “No, I mean really special.” He held her gaze. “I’m so relaxed around you. I can be myself. You don’t even seem impressed by me. I like that.”
    Kasey laughed. She was impressed all right. Impressed he could be this down-to-earth with women falling at his feet every day.
    “Seriously,” he said. “Not just anyone can adapt to this kind of lifestyle, or fit in with this group of assorted nuts I consider family.”
    “It’s not hard. I feel like a princess,” she admitted, but reminded herself that this wasn’t her lifestyle.
    “I know it’s crazy timing, but I had to tell you how I feel.” He held a finger to her lips before she could respond. “Don’t say anything. I just wanted you to know.”
    It was true that being with Cody was easy, but her heart wasn’t open to those kinds of thoughts. He was a welcome distraction and he’d saved her when she didn’t think she could bear to go on, and a wonderful man, no argument there, but....
    “Don’t get me wrong. I can see us being great friends—lifelong friends, but my life is a mess. I married my one true love and my heart is in a million pieces. I’ve been so worried about my little boy I’ve barely grieved for Nick. I won’t say I’ll never be in a relationship—because never is a risky test—but I can tell you right now I can’t even imagine it.”
    Did I just turn down Cody Tuggle? They’ll certify me crazy for sure.
    “You don’t have to explain,” he said.
    “My only priority is my son. Being a mother to Jake was the best thing I’ve ever done. I have to find him. I appreciate your help. If he’s out there, it’s your help that is going to bring him back.”
    “I’m glad I can help you.”
    She cocked her head. “My turn to change the subject.” She wiggled her brow trying to lighten the mood. “Have you ever been close to getting married?”
    “Close? Sort of.”
    “So there was someone special. What happened?” Kasey settled in for the story.
    “It was a long time ago. She was ready. I wasn’t. She found someone who was. End of story.”
    “You can say that again.” Cody recoiled like he’d been slapped. “Guy swept in while I was doing a

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