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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
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extended her hand.
    Kasey accepted the handshake and introduced herself.
    Annette’s dark hair swung across her shoulders as she spoke. “Cody filled me in on your son. I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine....”
    “Thank you.” Kasey took in a deep breath.
    “He’s getting ready to do an interview with the local TV affiliate. You’re just in time. He said you’d have a picture. We’ll get them to show it at the end of the interview, and Cody will explain the situation. I hope it helps.”
    “You don’t know how much this means to me.” Kasey took a manila envelope out of her shoulder bag and handed it to her.
    “It won’t hurt Cody’s reputation any either. I have a hard time getting him to do interviews. He’s always hell bent on staying off camera, but then paparazzi just make up stuff about him. That’s never good. You’re in the biz. You know.”
    “All too well,” Kasey said.
    Annette tugged the photographs out of the sleeve.
    “They’re all the same. I made fifty copies.” Kasey had taken the picture after a long day at a picnic. Jake had been sweaty and dirty—all boy—and clutching his Bubba-Bear to his chest.
    Annette took in a quick breath and her eyes went glassy. She rubbed her fingers under her nose. “He’s adorable,” she said in a compassionate tone.
    Tears teased the rims of Kasey’s eyes. She couldn’t let that start. Not here. Not now.
    “Thank you for all your help.” She excused herself before she lost control.
    Kasey poured herself a glass of water and filled a small plate with food from the huge spread that had been laid out for the crew. She took a seat and watched Cody and the television host. Cody looked nervous. Stiff. He’d been the same with her on the photo shoot at first.
    Once the interview got going, he loosened up and the real Cody came out—charming and full of humor. Toward the end of the interview, Cody asked the host if she would do him a favor.
    “Of course,” she gushed. “Anything for you, Cody.”
    Cody shifted gears—from playful musician to sentimental man.
    He cleared his throat and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees and forming a steeple with his fingers. Kasey guessed that the cameraman was zooming in on him.
    “Bad things happen all the time. Usually to really good people. I have a friend, a real nice lady; she’s had a rough time. Long story short, her son is missing. We’re going to flash a picture for you. If you’ve seen this child, please call the toll-free number below, or contact the station here.”
    Kasey held her breath. She might as well because her throat was suddenly so tight that no air could pass through it.
    Cody looked her way, then repeated the phone number and the description of Jake.
    She tilted her head and mouthed the words, “Thank you.” A dormant strength awakened inside her, a welcome feeling that she really wasn’t alone in all of this.
    “If your tip brings this little man home to his momma, I’ll pay a generous reward for the lead.”
    Why hadn’t I thought of that?
    The producer called from the side, “Aaaaand, that’s a wrap.”
    Cody thanked the interviewer, then the entire crew, appearing much more relaxed since the camera had stopped rolling. He made his way over to Kasey.
    “The segment will air across the Nashville area on the six o’clock news,” Cody said. “Don’t worry about the reward. I’ll pay it.”
    “You’re doing enough just getting Jake’s picture out there,” Kasey said, still amazed by his generosity.
    He grabbed an Orange Crush from an ice bucket and twisted off the top. He took two long swigs. “Those lights are hot.”
    “You’re changing the subject.”
    “Yeah. I’m the star. I get to do that.” He winked. “Did you want to change before we go over to do the sound check?”
    “You always get your way?”
    “Pretty much.” Cody picked up a white phone from the bar and, in what seemed like less than a minute, the concierge was back to escort her to her quarters.
    Quarters. Excuse me. Talk about first class treatment.
    Kasey stayed close to Cody on the tour, jetting from city to city and staying in constant contact with Riley for updates. She became a part of the group in no time flat. They even had her wearing a tour do-rag of her own by the time they arrived in the third city.
    She found it easy to get caught up in the excitement that filled the arena when Tuggle hit the stage. Every show sold out, and she’d gotten

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