been working a few angles. He’ll find out who was responsible.”
“I’m not sure I want to know a person that would want to hurt Nick.”
“I hear ya. So what are you going to do with that house? There must be a huge mortgage on it. Are you in debt? I mean, you didn’t know about it, right?”
“No debt. I have the deed and the key.”
“Cool. That’s a nice-looking place. I bet it will bring a pretty penny.”
“Oh, I can’t sell it.”
“That’s understandable. I guess it wouldn’t be hard to rent out.”
“I’m moving there.”
“You’re what?”
“Please don’t try to talk me out of it. Grem was so ugly about it this afternoon. Trust me on this. Moving there is the right thing to do. At least for now. I haven’t felt this alive in months.”
“No wonder your grandmother is going off the deep end. She’ll never be able to control you from an hour and a half away. You sure this is the right thing to do?”
“Yes. It is the most peaceful place. No neighbors. It’s like the wilderness.”
“The wilderness? You won’t be afraid?”
“No way. I’ve traveled all over the world, and to some of the most dangerous cities in the US, for work. I can manage a little rural life.”
Riley laughed. “I don’t know. Even this much country living is a stretch for two city girls like us, and we’re like within mall distance.”
“I’ll have Nick and Jake watching over me.”
Riley looked around. “How will you move all this stuff?”
“I’m not going to. The new place is furnished. I’m just going to pack a few things and take them out there with me tomorrow. Do you want to come along?”
“You aren’t wasting any time. Are you sure you want to do this? I’m going to miss you. I don’t think I’m ready for you to move.”
Kasey put her hand on Riley’s. “I’ll miss you, too. I can’t stay here, though. When you see the Nickel Creek place, you’re going to know why I have to be there. It’s...a feeling. It’s safe.”
“I’m being selfish. You know I’ll support any decision you make. So do you need Von to help you pack?”
“I think I can get what little I’m planning to take into the RV. If y’all could bring the Thunderbird up for me, that would be great. My car is acting up. Jeremy is going to come by and take a look. Probably the electrical system again.”
“I know. Hopefully, Jeremy can fix it tomorrow. I’ll come back with y’all and drive it up on my next trip.”
“Whatever you need,” Riley said. “Von loves a road trip.”
Chapter Eighteen
Kasey woke to a gray and drizzly day—not a perfect day for a drive. But she’d already put the few boxes and the plastic bins she intended to take with her into the RV, and her heart was ready to be in Adams Grove. Rain or shine. She flipped on the television and watched the forecast. The meteorologist called for morning drizzle with clearing skies in the afternoon. According to the fancy radar, the sky would clear from the west, so she’d get better weather sooner by driving to the new house.
She called Riley, who must’ve known there was no talking her out of the plan, because she didn’t even try.
They agreed to hit the road at ten o’clock sharp.
They pulled out onto the highway right on time and it was a regular convoy. Riley drove Von’s SUV, following Von in Nicks T-Bird, behind Kasey’s lead in the RV. All they lacked were CB radios and cool nicknames. They had driven for about forty-five minutes when they took the exit to Route 58 where the scenery became far more rural. The Cotton Gin was Kasey’s mental halfway mark. As soon as they passed the long row of warehouses, she punched speed dial to Riley’s phone.
“Breaker, breaker, Lucky Charm,” Kasey said in an exaggerated southern accent. “This here is Shutterbug.”
Riley laughed and responded in kind. “Ten-four, good buddy.”
“Halfway home,” Kasey said.
“That’s a big ten-freakin’-four, because my butt’s already numb. I hate driving Von’s truck.”
“I know, but thanks for doing it,” Kasey said. “I’m glad you’re sharing this moment with me.”
“My pleasure, treasure. Now hang up. It’s nasty out here. We don’t want to cause an accident because we’re not paying attention.”
“Breaker, breaker. Ten-four. I’m signing off. Over and out.” Kasey pressed end. It would be hard to live so far away from Riley, but she chased those doubts away.
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