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Titel: THE PERFECT TEN (Boxed Set) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dianna Love , Sandy Blair , Misty Evans , Adrienne Giordano , Mary Buckham , Alexa Grace , Tonya Kappes , Nancy Naigle , Norah Wilson , Micah Caida
Vom Netzwerk:
minutes later, the convoy paraded into the driveway of the house on Nickel Creek Road. Just as the forecast had promised, the late morning sky was bright and clear.
    They stepped out of the vehicles and stretched.
    “It’s even prettier than the pictures,” Riley said as she caught up to Kasey.
    The rain had made everything look fresh and green.
    Kasey reached for Riley’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I know. Wait until you see inside.” Every tiny doubt that had crept in had drifted away as soon as she pulled into the driveway today.
    This is home.
    Von nodded and said, “I can’t believe he didn’t tell anyone. This might be the only secret Nick Rolly ever kept in his whole life.”
    “I know. I can’t believe it either.” Kasey thought about how Nick couldn’t even keep a Christmas present a secret. “He was terrible at keeping things to himself.”
    “Yep. That was Nick.” Von wrapped one of his arms around his wife, the other around Kasey. “It must have meant more to him to surprise you. He loved you so much.”
    “I know.” Kasey’s voice softened. “I was lucky.”
    “I grew up out this way, you know,” Von said, dropping his arms from around them. “There’s great hunting and fishing around here.”
    “That ought to come in handy for me.” Kasey laughed.
    She and Riley walked toward the house.
    “I’m going to check out the manly stuff.” Von turned and headed to the huge garage. “I’ll get the T-Bird stored away and under the cover the way Nick would’ve wanted.
    Riley and Kasey went inside.
    “Wow. I love the open floor plan,” Riley said. “This is amazing. Nick even did all this decorating? Picking out paint colors and furniture? Everything?”
    Kasey nodded. “Everything.”
    Riley walked through to the kitchen and looked out back where Von opened the garage doors. They were the carriage house kind.
    “Look, a perfect rainbow!” Riley pointed to the east. A long rainbow with bands of yellow, orange, pink and purple spread high and wide.
    “Rainbow, good luck,” they said at the same time and high-fived.
    Kasey smiled. “I knew it, and you should see all the cardinals.”
    Riley nodded. “It does feel like a lucky place. I’m going to miss having you so close, but I can see why you’d want to be here. I’ll visit a bunch, I promise.”
    “I know, and there are always phone calls and instant messaging.” Kasey opened one of the boxes and put things away.
    A few minutes later, Von came in the house carrying two boxes stacked on top of each other.
    “Thanks, honey,” Riley said, reaching for one.
    “You should see that garage. It’s sweet.”
    Kasey smiled. “Nick sure did love his man cave, didn’t he?”
    “Can’t blame him,” Von said as he went outside to get the last of the boxes.
    When Von came back, Chaz Huckaby was with him.
    Chaz made himself at home, heading right for the kitchen. “Hi, folks. I stopped by to surprise ya with a basket of local goodies. My wife makes the best applesauce cake in town. Just wanted to officially welcome you.”
    Kasey dug into the basket and took out the cake. She unwrapped it while Chaz told one of what must have been his favorite stories to Von—the same ones she’d heard the day she met him. No surprise, the two men hit it off. But then it seemed that Chaz never met a stranger. He was just that kind of guy.
    “What size piece do you want, Chaz?” Kasey asked, offering him some cake.
    “I’m not staying. Besides, I’ve got to watch my weight.” Chaz rubbed his belly. “Thanks, but y’all enjoy it.”
    Von walked Chaz to the door. Kasey served up the cake on small plates and took them out to the deck. The three of them sat at the wrought iron bistro table. Nearby, the outdoor kitchen had a gas grill and a fire pit for smoking brisket. Nick’s specialty.
    Von moaned when he took a bite of the scrumptious dessert. He waved his fork toward Kasey. “I hope this town teaches you to bake like this. This cake is delicious.”
    “Don’t hold your breath. I’m not sure I have that gene,” she said. “I’m a lost cause in the kitchen.”
    “Told ya my wife makes the best applesauce cake. It’s good.” Chaz nodded and looked for confirmation.
    “Oh, yeah.” Von took another bite and twirled his fork. “Kasey, you’d better suck up to Chaz’s wife before each of my visits.”
    “Now that I can do,” Kasey said.
    Chaz didn’t stay long, and they quickly finished the chores they’d plan to

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