The Pirate & The Adventurer & The Cowboy
and talk." He went over to a side table and switched on a coffee machine.
"I think you're the one who should be doing the talking." Kate absently rubbed her wrist where he had gripped it. "What's going on at that castle, Jared? What are you and Max involved in?"
"Damn. You know about Max, too? You have been busy, haven't you?" He seemed totally wrapped up in watching the fresh coffee drip into the glass pot.
"I know you and Max have been paying some midnight visits to the castle." Kate decided she had nothing to lose at this point by admitting what she had seen.
"You're in this deeper than I realized. Who are you, Kate?"
The implied accusation infuriated her. "I'm exactly who I told you I am, a stressed-out writer on vacation. Nothing more and nothing less. Unlike you, I'm not living any lies."
"The weird part is that I believe you. I think I'd know if you were lying to me."
"I've got news for you—you're not the only one who can tell when someone is lying."
Jared sighed. "What made you start spying on Max and me? Research?"
"Hardly. I was coming back from the beach late my first night on the island and I decided to take a quick look at the castle. I had to hide in the bushes because you and Max were on the same path. When I spotted both of you going that way again a second time, I got curious."
"I'll just bet you did. Lord save all men from curious females."
Jared poured two cups of coffee and carried one over to her. When she took it without a word, he went around behind a massive carved desk and sat down.
"What's going on, Jared? What's the big secret?"
He sipped his coffee, looking very thoughtful. "To put it bluntly, my sweet, it's none of your damned business."
"Are you up to something illegal?"
"Then what's going on?" Kate was slightly relieved to hear the denial, but she was still thoroughly exasperated.
"It's nothing that concerns you, Kate. Furthermore, I'm ordering you to stay out of it."
"I don't take orders from you. If it's nothing illegal, then you won't care if I call the police."
"What police? Sam over on RubyIsland? Give me a break. He'd laugh himself silly. Even if you got him to listen to you, what would you tell him? That I made a couple of midnight trips to Hawthorne castle? I own the place, remember? I've got a perfect right to go there any time I want. You're the one who was illegally trespassing."
He was right, of course. She had absolutely nothing to report to any official. "Jared, something is going on, I know it."
"I don't care what you think you know so long as you keep your mouth shut and don't give me any trouble. That means staying away from HawthorneCastle. Understood?"
She jumped to her feet. "No, it is not understood. I want to know what's going on. I insist you tell me."
"Just because your curiosity is running wild doesn't mean I have to satisfy it, Kate."
"But if it's something illegal…"
"I've told you, it's not illegal."
"Why should I believe you?"
"I've never lied to you, have I?"
"Yes, you have. Last night is an instance that comes immediately to mind. You told me you had to go home early so David wouldn't be alone. But you didn't go home. You went to the castle."
"Oh, yeah. I forgot."
"You forgot ? Forgot you lied to me? Very convenient."
Jared sipped his coffee. "I didn't actually lie to you, you know. I did have to get home early last night. But I allowed myself enough time to make the trip to the castle."
"I'm supposed to accept that as an explanation?" Kate yelped.
"You're really worked up about this, aren't you?"
"Yes, dammit, I am. I've got reason to be worked up. I've been lied to, misled and physically assaulted by the man with whom I'm having an affair."
"Let's not get carried away here. I didn't actually set out to assault you. It was dark in that hall and I wasn't sure who was coming up the steps. I just grabbed the first warm body that appeared. The next thing I knew, I was forced to defend myself against all two weeks' worth of your self-defense lessons. Which reminds me, you need a little work in some areas, Kate. I might be able to give you a couple of tips. I studied karate for a few years."
Kate folded her arms across her chest and stood stiffly in front of the entrance to the veranda. "I don't believe this. You're not going to explain any of it, are you?"
She whirled around and slammed her fist against the nearest wall. "You can't do this to me. I'm having an affair
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