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The Project 04 - Black Harvest

The Project 04 - Black Harvest

Titel: The Project 04 - Black Harvest
Autoren: Alex Lukeman
Vom Netzwerk:
situation, why don't you?" Members of the Council were always addressed by their first names. It created an illusion of equality.
    "As you know, Malcolm, the stockpile of Demeter was destroyed. The raid was carried out by a black ops unit called Project. It reports to the President only."
    Foxworth's face hardened. "We know about the Project. They created a problem for us not long ago."
    Dansinger wanted to guide their thoughts away from himself. "The actions of DCI Lodge resulted in their interest and involvement."
    There was no visible reaction by Foxworth. Dansinger continued.
    "I have restarted production of Demeter in the Utah facility. Stockpiles will be renewed within two months."
    He sipped water. The others watched from the screens.
    "What about the outbreak in Nebraska?" It was the other American member. "How did this happen? That was not part of the original plan. What do you intend to do?"
    "I have not yet discovered how Demeter was released, but I believe the outbreak can work to our advantage. We simply alter the sequencing of the plan. It gives us an opportunity to refine it. We let the virus spread. An antidote will be discovered, offered and applied. The virus will be stopped. Unfortunately, that same antidote will not be effective in the other areas of the world, once we implement infection."
    Foxworth said, "Go on."
    "Before the virus is contained the US government will be forced to quarantine parts of the country. Martial law will be necessary. The detention centers are empty and ready. It's an election year. Rice will be blamed. It might be an opportunity to remove him, one way or another."
    Heads nodded. So far, they were with him.
    "What is your exposure?"
    "Minimal. There is no evidence of anything. I don't know how the Project found out about Demeter, but Lodge is working on that as we speak. The President cannot act openly without proof. All evidence regarding Demeter was destroyed in the attack on my facility. They cannot prove I have any involvement. Once I introduce the antidote no one would dare confront me."
    Foxworth considered Dansinger's words. "Very well. We will take this under further discussion. Harold, you will keep us updated on your progress."
    Under the words Dansinger heard a warning.
    Dansinger's screen went blank.


    Alexei Vysotsky listened to Korov's report.
    "You are certain the virus was destroyed?"
    "Yes. For the moment, Demeter is halted."
    "For the moment."
    "The laboratory and stockpiles are gone. But there must be other laboratories. I think we've bought time, not an end to the threat."
    "What are the Americans doing?"
    "We meet today to discuss the next steps. I believe they are genuine in their desire to smash this."
    "That is one of the subjects of this meeting."
    "They have accepted you?"
    "They have. They are fearless, a very accomplished group. I wish I'd had them with me in Chechnya."
    "High praise from you, Arkady."
    "They earned it."
    "Nonetheless, they are Americans. Do not forget that. Trust only goes so far."
    "Of course, sir."
    "Continue to observe and report."
    Korov put away his phone. Vysotsky's comment annoyed him. He hadn't been in that compound. Carter and the others had earned his respect. More than that, they'd earned a measure of trust. Vysotsky would never understand that.
    Different countries, different uniforms, same dedication. The same code. The code crossed all boundaries when men fought together.
    His feelings confused him. He poured a cup of coffee and walked to the window. He'd always thought of America as the enemy. That hadn't changed. What confused him was his acceptance into this group, however temporary or expedient it might be. Korov knew the reverse would not be true. He couldn't even conceive of such a thing. It was bizarre. Even more bizarre, the Project wasn't a military unit like Zaslon. It was an intelligence group. Not exactly spies, in the traditional way. More like the sharp point of a rapier wielded to end threats before they'd fully begun.
    He didn't understand Harker's actions. It wasn't the way things operated in his world. He slept in a hotel with free access to come and go, instead of a barracks somewhere under close surveillance. No one questioned him about carrying a weapon. He belonged to one of Russia's most secretive and effective units, yet he was allowed freedom in the heart of the American empire. It simply didn't compute.
    Outside the hotel window the air was gray with smog,
Vom Netzwerk:

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