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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Laurie Roma
Vom Netzwerk:
morning nervous for her first day of teaching to begin. Since Jason had left on Monday morning, she had reached out to the empty side of the bed next to her, hardly believing after such a short time just how much she missed him being there. He had spent the entire weekend with her, reluctantly leaving for an out-of-town meeting he had to attend. She hadn’t seen him since.
    Trying to shake off the melancholy that she had been feeling since he left, Bella looked over her classroom with a sense of pride. She had gotten through her first day of teaching without any problems. Although she only taught for one day so far, her Tuesday and Thursday class was packed full. It was an extended class, only open to the higher-level students, and her pupils were a delight.
    The students were excited, and she had gotten through the techniques without her hand slowing her down. It was only one day, but she felt a hope that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her students had jumped into the assignments she presented to them, and Bella was filled with a new joy as she interacted with them. They had been eager to ask questions and seemed genuinely pleased with her teaching style. She had found it endearing that the students had given her celebrity status, and she tried to calm their nervousness as they worked together. Many had stayed after each class, wanting to speak to her, eager to listen to any advice she had to give.
    Her assistant Jenna was quick, efficient, and a joy to work with. Bella could tell Jenna was very nervous working with her, so she tried to put her at ease. Jenna had left a few minutes ago, rushing to complete paperwork for the class so Bella wouldn’t have to. Bella was grateful for that since she hated paperwork. Cheerfully waving her off, Jenna said she would meet her early on Thursday to prep for class.
    As Bella finished cleaning, thoughts of Jason invaded her mind once again. It had only been a few days since she had last seem him, but she missed him like crazy.
    It would have been perfect, all the time she had spent with him, except they hadn’t had any wild sex like that first night they had been together. Since Friday night when Jason had taken a stand with her, he made love to her slowly, sweetly, and her craving for him just grew with every hour. Once he was inside her, she begged him to go faster, but he wouldn’t. He brought her to climax over and over until she was sobbing in ecstasy before he let himself join her. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted him wild, crazy for her like the first time they had been together. She wanted him to stop treating her like she was made of glass.
    She knew he was trying to be gentle with her, trying to go slow, trying to care for her, but he kept denying her more as if afraid he would hurt her. Bella sighed. She had no reason to complain. Jason treated her like she was the most precious woman in the world. His rigid control held strong.
    Well, no longer.
    Bella needed sex.
    Wild, hot, out-of-control sex.
    The sexual frustration was killing her, now that she had gotten a tasty reminder of what she had been missing, and she wanted more.
    He simply had to be stopped.
    Dinner with her family over the weekend had been interesting. Bella’s parents were absolutely thrilled that Bella had a boyfriend, and they welcomed him with open arms. Bella laughed at the thought. Boyfriend was not an accurate word to describe Jason. He was all man.
    Her man.
    It was almost funny how uncomfortable Jason had seemed being accepted by her family. Obviously he had little to no experience with parents, but he fit right in with her brothers. He had all but joined forces with them once they had decided he was serious about her. Together they had practically decided she needed round-the-clock surveillance until Victor was caught, not even allowing her to drive anywhere on her own. As determined as she was, it was useless fighting four overgrown protective men.
    On a brighter note, it seemed Jason had wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. He became a reassuring presence in her apartment as she ran around preparing for her first week of class. He had dealt with her neurotic mood swings with ease. One minute she was so excited about her upcoming class she could barely sit still. Other moments had her clinging to him in fear, but never once did he hesitate to brave the storm of her emotions and just be there for her.
    Jason had kept busy checking the security on her apartment

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