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Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Titel: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic) Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Laurie Roma
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side, pulling her into his secure embrace. His body was rock solid, pure muscle wasn’t that comfortable to lay on, but the immense warmth of his body helped chase the last of the chill out of her body. His leg trapped hers, and he curled up as if he were trying to shelter her with his very being. Her head rested over his heart, listening to the strong powerful beat calmed her more than anything she had ever known. One of his hands came up to stroke her hair, and the other remained wrapped around her middle like steel, holding her to him.
    “Bloody hell that was a bad one, wasn’t it?” He could feel her nod.
    Jason held her tight to him, wanting to absorb her into his own body where he could keep her safe. “Don’t ever hide from me, okay? We can get through this together. You just have to let me help you. I handled this badly, but just know I want to be here for you. Love, I need you to let me.”
    Bella turned and pressed a kiss directly over his heart. He in turn kissed the top of her head and pulled her closer. The heat of his body seeped in and melted the bitter cold she always felt when coming out of the nightmare. His protective embrace comforted her just like the reassurance given with his words. Time passed as she counted the beats of the strong heart beneath her head.
    “Do you hear that?” His voice was soft, a deep rumbling of sound that touched her very soul.
    She kissed his chest again. “What, your heart?”
    “It beats for you now.”
    Touched beyond belief, she felt hot tears slowly trickle out of her eyes to slide down to his chest. Her throat closed up, but she forced herself to give him the only thing back she could think of. “I heard you calling me,” she said softly. “You pulled me back, out of the nightmare. I just had to find you. I heard you, and I knew you would keep me safe. You…you make me feel safe.”
    Jason felt his own eyes mist and closed them in defense. Jesus, what was wrong with him? Fuck , he loved her. Those words, so simple, so bravely spoken had torn down the last of his defenses. Bella’s eyes fluttered closed again, words slurring with exhaustion as she burrowed into his heat. “I need you. I hate needing you so much. Hold me until I sleep? Don’t let go, okay?”
    “Never,” he vowed, pressing a kiss on the top of her precious head. “I’ll never let go.” He held her, safe in his arms. He lay there listening until the sound of her breathing evened out and her body relaxed in slumber.
    As he did every night, he waited for her to slide into sleep safely before he let himself follow, hoping that the nightmares would leave them both in peace.

Chapter Fifteen
    Bella’s eyes opened slowly as early morning light filtered into the room to her body burning with heated desire at the feel of Jason’s hard body against her back.
    She shifted slightly and sighed with contentment at the feeling of Jason’s arms tightening around her, holding her to him. Sometime in the night she had shifted onto her side with her back to him, but he had followed, his arms surrounding her with his body curved over her, protecting her even in sleep.
    The nightmares had stayed away. Anytime they tried to drag her under, Jason had easily put her at ease, murmuring softly to her the moment she had stirred. During the night, if Bella’s body had tensed, panic had faded as she heard Jason’s soothing voice in her ear, calming her.
    For a brief, selfish moment Bella wished everything in her life was normal. That when she woke, she could go out without a guard, that there was no crazed stalker out there wanting to kill her. Unfortunately that was her reality. Being watched all the time made her feel like she was living in a fishbowl, but if that was what she needed to do for Jason and her family, then she would endure it.
    Jason had explained what had happened to his family, and her heart broke for him. She couldn’t imagine what she would do without her family. It helped her understand why he had emotionally closed himself off. But she knew he cared for her. With every touch, every look she could see it, feel it. Every day she felt the barriers around his heart breaking, letting her in more and more. He treated her like the most precious thing to him. She knew that he just wanted to protect her, but Bella was determined on living her life.
    Now, in the early morning light, things felt normal. She felt…happy. She was where she belonged, with the man who owned her heart.

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