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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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debates your status. May I provide kavage? Or something to eat?" I heaved a sigh, and took off my satchel. "Amyu, if it would not offend, I think I just want a wash and to sleep."
    She nodded and stepped off to the side to open another flap. "Your sleeping chamber is within." I stepped forward to look inside. The bed looked familiar, with red and gold pillows. But what gave it away was the fat, happy lamp on the table. The flame danced a welcome.
    "Is this bed from Keekai's tent?" I asked.
    Amyu nodded. "She offered, and the Elders agreed. All these items have been donated for your use, Daughter of Xy."
    "Amyu, please call me 'Lara'." I held up a hand to silence her protest. "At least within the confines of the tent." I stepped within and put my satchel on the bed.
    "As you wish." Amyu looked at the brazier that burned in the corner. "The lake is not far, if you wish to bathe."
    I sighed. "No, I don't think so. Maybe just a bucket of warm water and a few cloths?" She looked at me, puzzled. "As you wish." She bowed and left before I could explain, which was fine with me. I knew from experience that the people of the Plains had no understanding of basic Xyian modesty.
    I tucked my satchel in by the bed, and removed my slippers to rub my feet. I was still feeling the effects of our wild ride, and yawned again. But while my body was tired, my mind was still whirling. Was Keir here? In camp?
    Oh, I hoped so. I wanted this over, so that I could be in his arms again. I drew a deep breath, but the scent of this tent was different from Keir's. Only the faint aroma of vanilla was present, and that came from my own body.
    A noise from outside brought me out of my thoughts.
    "Out of my way! My healer is within, and I must see her!"
    Voices rose in protest, and I lifted the flap just in time to see a large, black man force his way into the main tent. My smile had already started when his eyes met mine, and his white teeth flashed against his coal black skin.



Chapter 9



    "Simus!" I ran over and he swept me up in a bear hug, laughing loudly. The sound made my heart dance, and I laughed with him as he twirled me around and then set me gently on my feet. We were surrounded by my four guards and Amyu and everyone was talking at once, but that never dimmed the gleam in Simus's eyes. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked down into my eyes.
    "Are you well?"
    "As well as I can be." I smiled at him. "I am so glad to see you." His eyebrows danced and he turned to face our foes. "SILENCE!" Everyone obeyed.
    "The Warprize is my healer," he said, using the Xyian word. "She must see the wound that she tended. Out, all of you! This is done under the bells!"
    They all looked at one another, and one of the youngest looking warrior-priests shifted his weight from foot to foot. Amyu spoke first. "Our orders are that she not have contact with Keir of the Cat, or his supporters."
    "Pah." Simus walked over to one of the stools and sat. "You may listen, if you wish. I will not use the bells. But outside. NOW!"
    They scattered.
    Simus looked at me and grinned. I couldn't help grinning back at him, even as I shook my head. "That was rude, Simus of the Hawk."
    "They should not have sent girls to do woman's work." He replied in perfect Xyian. "They don't know how to deal with me. But they will have sent word to someone who does. So let us speak, eh?" He stood, and started to unbuckle his belt. "Let me show you the scar, Warprize. It is a wonder." He spoke in the language of the Plains, loud enough that anyone could hear.
    "Should I get my satchel?" I tried not to laugh.
    "Yes, by all means, please get your wondrous herbs and potions," Simus bellowed, yanked down his trous and sat back down. "Eln said to tell you that he thought it was doing very well." I went and got my satchel, and returned to admire the scar along his thigh. It had healed well. "Did it give you any trouble on the way here?"
    "None," Simus replied, then switched to Xyian. "And we rode hard. The Council sent word that they required the truths of Atira. I knew that you and your beloved would need my help. So, we are here."
    "We?" I pulled out the scar ointment from the depths of my satchel, and started to open it. How odd it was to hear my native tongue again. I almost had to think before I spoke.
    "We," Simus replied. "Atira, Keir, Marcus, and Joden. And one of your land, the son of the cook."
    "How is her leg?" I asked, absently.

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