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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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But then my head snapped up in surprise. "Heath? Heath is here?"
    "He is," Simus replied in Xyian. He paused for a moment, then spoke again loudly, switching languages.
    "The friend of your youth, Heath of Xy, he is here with messages of your people. I will send him to speak to you, if these fools will permit." Simus gave me a grin, switching back to Xyian. "I will send him with messages." He stretched his leg out, to give me access. "Keir is raging like a wounded ehat, furious that he cannot see you. But Marcus and I, with Keekai's help, are talking sense into that thick head of his." I smiled. "I know what an ehat looks like now."
    Simus laughed, and switched to his language. "You must tell me of the hunt. All the details, now!" I laughed, but Simus grew serious, and switched back to Xyian. "There are dangers here, Lara. Make no mistake."
    "There was an attack—"
    "Keir and I know of it." Simus sighed. "What we do not know is who was behind it. You are safe enough here."
    "Am I?" I asked softly, in Xyian. "Amyu is of the Boar and the guards are all warrior-priests."
    "The honor of the entire Council depends on your safety." Simus looked grim. "Amyu is a child and will obey her elders. Your guards will protect you. But they will report if you try to see Keir, you understand?"
    I nodded.
    "Watch for Iften, and Gathering Storm. There is a warrior-priest not to be trusted."
    "Gathering Storm? Which one is that?" I asked.
    Simus grinned. "The one you doused with that stink, remember?" He turned his face slightly and spoke loudly for the listeners, switching languages easily. "You worked a marvel, Warprize. My leg is as new."
    "Is there any pain when you walk?" I asked, following his example. I smeared the ointment on the scar, to soften the tissue.
    "None." Simus gave me a genuine smile. "You saved my leg and my life as a warrior, Little Healer. May the elements allow me to return the favor some day."
    I smiled at him, but looked away, and spoke in Xyian. "If you have spoken with Joden, then you know how he feels about me now. After the plague, he no longer supports us."
    "Pah." Simus gave a snort. "The man is merely confused. I will set him straight." He leaned in closer. "The telling of truths begins tomorrow. It is not likely that you will be allowed to listen. But do not fear, Lara. All will be—"
    Wild Winds strode into the tent, with my guards and Amyu just behind.
    Simus looked over casually. "Ah, Warrior-Priest. Come to see the work of the Warprize? A Master Healer."
    Wild Winds arched an eyebrow, then took another step to stare down at Simus's leg. He looked closely.
    "A deep wound."
    "To the bone," Simus replied proudly. He stretched out his leg for everyone to see. Everyone stared at it, even Amyu, with particular fascination.
    "What is the purpose of that?" Wild Winds gestured to the jar in my hands. I stood and offered it to him. "An ointment that aids the healing. It will help the scar to fade."
    "What?" Simus protested. "Why fade an honorable wound, honorably earned?" Wild Winds raised an eyebrow. "Regardless, the Daughter of Xy is not to have contact with Keir of the Cat, or those—"
    "We spoke of healing matters." Simus stood, and pulled on his trous with great dignity.
    "They spoke in the tongue of city-dwellers," one of the guards piped up. Simus let his eyebrows raise. "You do not know the tongue? I didn't realize that." He turned then, and gave me a bow, reaching for my hand to kiss it. "My thanks again, Xylara, Daughter of Xy." I gave him a curtsey, and he smiled, and turned back to face Wild Winds. "After you, Warrior-priest." He herded them out, all but Amyu, who gave me an odd look as she tied the tent flap closed. I ignored her, and returned to the sleeping area and sat on the bed. I opened my hand and stared at the small bar of vanilla soap that Simus had pressed into my hand. I could hear him arguing with the warrior-priest, his voice fading in the distance.
    I smiled at the little square, even as my eyes filled with tears. Keir was here, and close. Where else could Simus have gotten it? Keir had bought up every bar that the herb merchant in Water's Fall had for sale. I held it up to my nose and drew in the scent. It made me feel better, knowing that he was close. I just wished that he was here, with me, and could share my tent and my bed this night. Atira was here. They'd summoned her, to hear her truths. But when had I lied to her? I sat there, trying to remember, but I couldn't. Of

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