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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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platform, their stools behind them. Behind that rose three wooden tiers, also filled with Elders on their stools. The result was that the entire Council could sit and glare down at me.
    A warrior strode out and placed a small bench between the two fire pits. I took my seat, placed my satchel by my feet, and adjusted my skirts.
    "We offer you food and drink, Daughter of Xy."
    Two warriors, one with a small table, another with a tray, approached. I was offered water to wash my hands, and then kavage and gurt were placed within my reach.
    "I thank you for your courtesy." I poured a mug of kavage and took a sip. While the scent of the vanilla helped, there was still a tight knot between my shoulder blades. The Council had proved that it was willing to attack me at a weak moment. The person speaking may have changed, but I wasn't fooled. The claws were still there, merely sheathed for the time being.
    Keekai and I had gone over the members of the Council, but everything was jumbled together in my head. Without being obvious, I drew a long, deep breath and tried to calm myself. And I'd thought the Council of Xy had been hard to deal with.
    "Xylara, Daughter of Xy, from the Kingdom of Xy, you have been claimed as Warprize by Keir of the Cat, Warlord of the Plains." Essa's words sounded familiar for some reason. "You have been brought to the Heart of the Plains, so that you may be confirmed as the Warprize." He was repeating the ritual that Keekai had performed when she had taken me under her protection. I relaxed a bit, recognizing the questions.
    Essa continued. "Have you taken anything from the hands of another on this journey?"
    "No." My voice was clear, and as strong as I could wish. "My Warlord has provided for me." There was a stir at that, and Essa lifted an eyebrow. "Keir of the Cat is not yet your Warlord, Daughter of Xy."
    "Perhaps to your way of thinking," I responded quietly. "But not to mine." Antas gave a great snort and stood, his armor rattling as he threw his arms in the air. "What cares she for our ways? She has brought nothing but death to—"
    "Enough," Essa spoke, and Antas was instantly silenced. "We will continue the ritual, and then the questioning can begin."
    Antas sat down heavily, scowling.
    Essa waited for quiet before he began again. "Xylara, Daughter of Xy, do you wish to return to your land, to the arms of your people, to your home?" He paused, considering me closely. "The ties of one's own tribe are very strong. Speak, and it will be as you wish."
    Again, it flashed before me. Home, a place of safety, with strong walls and all that was familiar and com fortable. Anna's cooking, Othur's warm hugs, Heath's teasing. Kalisa in the market, with her cheese and crackers. Remn's book shop.
    But the cost of that comfort was too high, for it meant turning my back on the man I loved. I lifted my chin. "I am here to claim my place as Warprize, and my Warlord." Antas leapt to his feet. "Yet all you bring with you is chaos and death. The army entrusted to Keir of the Cat has been decimated by your hand."
    "We do not know that." Essa seated himself on his stool. "We have only words brought by the wind." Antas turned to Wild Winds. "What say you, Warrior-Priest?"
    "I would hear her truths." The man replied in a soft voice. It was my first chance to really look at him, when my eyes weren't blurred with exhaustion. He was fearsome looking, even in the light of day. A tall man, he wore only trous and a long cloak. But he had the multi-colored tattoos all over his chest, and a staff with three human skulls and feathers dangling from the end on leather strips. His hair was dark, and matted in thick ropes that hung down to his waist. His dark eyes studied me, in turn, but I didn't see any hostility there.
    I didn't see friendship, either.
    "What does she know of truth?" Antas growled. "A foul city-dweller?"
    "City-dwellers tell the truth," I spoke up, indignant.
    "HAH!" Antas shouted, making me jump. "You lied to a warrior of the Plains, we know of this. Do not deny that!"
    "I didn't lie." My temper flared, and I snapped at him, not impressed with the weapons he carried. "I may not have told the entire truth, but I didn't—"
    "You cannot deny it. She will appear before us, and then all will know," Antas fired back. She? I sat there, my mouth open. She? He wasn't talking about Keir?
    "Your so-called healing skill. You lied to a warrior of the Plains in order to work magic on her leg." Antas bared his teeth. "She

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