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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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course, the first time I'd met her, I'd kicked her awake. I flushed at the memory.
    But what was Heath doing here? Were Anna and Othur alright? I bit my lower lip, and worried it with my teeth. Heath wasn't really a supporter of Keir. Maybe they would let me see him, to get news of home. I flushed a bit, with a guilty sense that I hadn't given home much thought since leaving Xy. There was more at stake here than just Keir and me. My people would benefit as much as if not more than the Plains would if I was confirmed.
    There was a slight cough, and I shoved the bar under my skirt. "Enter." Amyu appeared, and inclined her head. "The hot water, as you requested."
    "Thank you." I watched as she placed the bucket off to the side, along with some clean cloths. I'd have to be careful not to make too much of a mess. I yawned, as once again my tiredness swept over me.
    "Is it true? That your people bathe under the bells?" Amyu asked, giving me an odd look under her lashes as she fussed with the placement of the cloths.
    "Yes." I arched an eyebrow at her. "My Warlord was able to arrange for me to bathe under the bells at all times, when I was with him. Xyians are very private about their bodies." She frowned. "But Simus of the Hawk was naked."
    "Healers have to see their patients' bodies in order to heal them. It is an exception to the rule."
    "I will see what can be done, about the bathing." I could see that she was still puzzled, but she gave me another glance. "It is said that you will 'heal' any that ask." I nodded. "I will."
    She looked at me intently, then abruptly left.
    I narrowed my eyes, and almost went after her, to push the issue. But I didn't. I couldn't force people to accept my healing ways. I'd learned that lesson with Iften. Sooner or later, I'd learn Amyu's problem. For now, I had hot water and soap. After that, sleep in a comfortable bed. The morning would be here, soon enough.
    And, maybe, a glimpse of Keir.
    * * *
    I awoke at some point close to dawn. My eyes were heavy, the bed warm and soft beneath my body. I reached out for him, half-awake as my hand moved, fingers searching for the familiar skin. Keir wasn't there.
    That brought me awake, and I blinked in the darkness. I'd blown out my fat little lamp earlier, and all that was left was the glow from the braziers that heated the tent. That was the light I was used to, in Keir's tent.
    The loneliness caught me by surprise. The deep longing had settled in my chest before I even really knew what was happening, and I had to stifle a sob. I didn't want Amyu and the guards to know of my weakness.
    I sat up in the bed, tucking the soft blankets under my arms. The noises that I had grown used to, the sounds of an army around me, were gone as well. There were still noises, but it was mostly of pennants flying in the breeze, and the occasional footstep outside.
    I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. There was little chance that I'd sleep now. I could hear the accusations of Antas in my head, his shouts loud and clear.
    Iften would testify, Joden would testify. How did Keir think that I'd be confirmed, with that kind of opposition? Especially when Antas clearly agreed with Iften? Would our truths be enough to sway the Council?
    All the fear and tension of the last few days swept through me. What was I doing here, alone in the tents of the Firelanders? Who could be trusted? What was going to happen?
    My head hurt. I rubbed my temples, and tried not to weep. But the weight of my thoughts bore down on me, alone, in the darkness.
    Amyu had left some kavage by the braziers. I slid out of bed, into the cool of the darkness. I shivered, and padded over for a drink. I also found some tapers there, and put one against the coals of the brazier. A lick of flame popped up. I carefully carried it over, and re-lit my little lamp. The flame seemed to leap and chortle within its depths, as if happy to be there.
    I slid back into the warmth of the bed, covering myself with the blankets. I pulled one of the pillows close. The fabric was smooth against my cheek as I hugged it, staring at the little flame. The light danced on the tent walls.
    I closed my eyes and thought of Keir.
    The way he'd looked on the practice grounds when I'd first realized that he'd claimed me in honor, not in shame. That afternoon meal by the pool, when we'd loved under the alders. Gently, the memories soothed me.
    I opened my eyes to watch the light from the lamp as it sputtered slightly. A soft

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