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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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    "There was." Amyu stepped forward, and my guards moved into position. "But the Tribe of the Snake wishes to dance tonight, for a new babe, born into the tribe."
    "So they moved their tents." I took a few steps forward. "Does that happen often?"
    "Of course." Amyu looked at me oddly. "They're just tents."
    "Of course," I echoed. We started walking, skirting the open area to a walkway off to the side. "But if everything moves, how do you know where anything is?"
    She took my question seriously. "Some things do not move. Waste areas, fire pits. And the herds are always beyond." She flashed me a look. "We have a saying. 'The Heart of the Plains is always beating.' " I nodded in response, too busy looking around to talk.
    There were people everywhere. Talking, laughing arguing. In front of tents, repairing tents, knocking tents down. Even as I watched, a section of tents collapsed, and warriors were loading them onto pack beasts.
    "Are they moving?" I asked.
    Amyu shrugged. "Moving or leaving. The snows come, and many are setting out."
    "Does anyone stay here during the snows?"
    Amyu shrugged. "A few. The lodges here are small."
    The sun was warm on my face, but there was enough of a chill to the breeze that I was glad for my cloak as we walked.
    But the people had caught my attention again. A group of small children ran past, laughing and chasing each other. They all had a wooden dagger in their belt, and a wooden sword at their side or strapped to their back. The children swirled around us, and then ran off between the tents. I laughed, enjoying their innocent mirth.
    Then a man stepped between the tents, and blocked my view.
    I looked up, right at Prest.
    He stood there, tall and strong, with Epor's warclub strapped to his back. He'd shaved his head when he'd been sprayed with ehat musk, so his hair was still very, short. I sucked in a breath in surprise at seeing him.
    He waited until he knew I had seen him, winked at me, and walked off.
    I stumbled a bit, but Amyu was walking ahead of me, so I focused on following her. None of my guards had noticed anything.
    I stifled my grin. "So, do the Tribes stay together when they camp here?" Amyu shrugged. "Most warriors like to be close to the theas and the little ones. So Tribes do camp together. But there are no formal lines that are drawn. All are free to camp where they please." A fight broke out to our left, two female warriors taking blades to one another. My warrior-priest guards moved to avoid the clash when it spilled onto our path. I allowed myself to be steered off to the side. A flash of red caught my eye, and I looked behind us for a moment.
    There stood Ander and Yveni, just behind us. Ander was grinning like a fool, and Yveni was smirking. They stepped off the path before anyone noticed them standing there.
    I didn't bother to suppress my grin this time.
    We rounded a corner, and I spotted a crowd gathered around something on the ground. Two warriors were sitting there, studying something on the ground between them. Others stood over them, watching intently.
    As I drew closer I realized they were playing chess.
    "I want to see this," I told Amyu, and moved closer, not waiting for her approval. I craned my head around to see the board that lay before them. Sure enough, it was chess, with pieces carved of wood. I chuckled when I saw the castles had been replaced with ehats.
    One of the players looked up. "Warprize!" He scrambled to his feet. The crowd eased back so that I could get closer.
    "Warrior." I gave him a nod. "How goes the game?"
    He laughed. "I am showing them all my prowess, Warprize."
    "Where did you learn it? Were you with Keir's army?"
    He nodded. "I was, Warprize. Didn't last long in the tourney, either. Keir of the Cat is too good at the game."
    The mention of Keir's name made my guards restless. I gestured for him to return to his game. "Good luck, Warrior."
    "My thanks, Warprize." His voice followed me as he settled back to his game, and I returned to my guards.
    Amyu was frowning. "I thought they planned a pattern dance."
    I shook my head. "It is a game of Xy, called 'chess'. I taught it to Keir and some others. It is very popular with the warriors of his army."
    We kept walking, and I soaked it all in, the sights and sounds of Keir's people. It was only when Amyu suggested that she needed to prepare the meal for the nooning that I agreed to return to my tent. It was as we were strolling back that I spotted him. It wasn't easy to do, but

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